About 25 years ago, my car was struck by another, in the rain, with very poor visibility, on a two-lane highway, going around a curve. I came to and discovered that my car was on its roof, and I had gotten out of it while dazed. I was about 3 feet away from traffic that was passing by, facing the highway, and had almost walked out into traffic.
My wife has bought several gaming chairs over the years. None of them have any breathability and she just sweats like crazy whenever she sits in one for a long period of time.
There’s an old saying that “Time in the market will always beat timing the market.”
You just didn’t hodl long enough ;)
I’ll just leave this one for you :)
Make sure to go watch the Sword of Truth series so that your disappointment can continue.
The Dredd: the Musical parody is pretty good.
Pullo was the best character ever.
If memory serves, it was written as a miniseries, not a show that would span multiple seasons. Then the network saw how popular it was and demanded multiple seasons. But the writers had already written all the source material they had expected to.
It’s an open world RPG with a main quest. Games like Dragon Age: Origins or Baldur’s Gate and whatnot are probably more similar. GoG has it for $7 configured in a DosBox.
Nofair Fight has a let’s play of it
Darklands (Video game)
It came out in 1992. Set in the 15th century Holy Roman Empire / Germany. It’s a 4-character party isometric game that featuring real time combat, party members who aged and would die from old age, perma death, and fantastical elements based on historic folklore, Catholic saints, and alchemy.
Shit, close to 10 years after we stopped playing, my wife was playing WOW and someone was all, “Icarii… from Corbantis? I bought so many weapons off you, yours were the best!”
So… 3 then?
That’s it? That’s the only thing you’d do if you had a million dollars?
Well this was like, 1997 so…
When I worked at a movie theater, I was showing a new hire how to prepare pretzels. After I sprayed a little mist on them and was dribbling some salt over them, he said something along the lines of, “Man this is too much,” took his vest off, and went to find a manager to hand it to.
Tathas read book. Book have Tathas. Tathas like Tathas. Tathas pick Tathas.
Did you hear the one about the homeopathic who tried to commit suicide?
He took a 10X dilution of cyanide.
Wait until you hear that Disney’s Frozen was only created so that searching for “Disney Frozen” would result in the movie intead of Walt Disney’s frozen head.