What’s bananas about $3/mo and 17/yr? Hell I pay 12 bucks a year for unlimited email aliases from Firefox 😂
What’s bananas about $3/mo and 17/yr? Hell I pay 12 bucks a year for unlimited email aliases from Firefox 😂
As long time sync user I’m very disappointed I didn’t see the remove ads button before I went and signed up for ultra. Wish I could still buy the permanent ad free while being an ultra subscriber. I tie my ultra to my Google play balance and depends on how much opinion rewards decides to give me at any given time.
That my outlook on it. I bought the pro version in like 2013 for 4 or 5 bucks. Didn’t give him a penny again until ultra came out and I got the monthly on that for a grand total of like $20. I can see why it may be a turn off for new users but for me it’s just paying back what I already got from LJ.
Personally I would use a password manager for at work as well. Bitwarden can generate 8 character passwords. Easy enough to remember and if you forget it’s right there on your phone.
I(31/m) have a buddy(25/m) who gives me shit for pirating stuff sometimes because he says I’m stealing from the creators. But I’m not because I wasn’t gonna pay for it in the first place 😂 I’m more than happy to pay for things and do all the time. I just cancelled my audible sub a couple days ago because I got an email that my credits were going to expire and I needed to use them soon. Like what? I paid you for those. So I just used them on the series I’m currently listening to and spent the rest of the night figuring out how to host my own audible 😂
Switch from chrome to Firefox about a year ago. Firefox certainly opens faster on my PC but I don’t notice much difference on my android phone.
Yeah that’s exactly my point. Other guys was listing all these things the signal has stored but they really just don’t want access to any of it.
But it doesn’t though. That information has been subpoenaed from signal in the past. They don’t have access to it to give. This is public information.
I mean it can be. You can put anything you want there and send it on it’s way
Yeah personally when I had it I either also got sick at the same time or it royally fucked up my whole body. Like bed ridden for 2 days and throwing up. Ruined half my vacation 😂 lesson learned though.
Been around since I was 13 at the very least. Currently 31. My be regional or specific to the US though. I’m from western PA for reference.
I disagree about the natural talent one. From my perspective thats the obvious first pick. At work I’m currently training to be a Crane Operator and struggle busing hard with it. Like yeah I could use it to get muscles but thats not even where I first went just because imo the ability to quickly learn a new skill is invaluable. imagine being a natural at negotiating business dealings to get a favorable outcome for your side. once you figure out how to turn your natural talent into money a lot of the other things will be able to fall into place.
I thought that was it but when I sopied it it has that. Idk what fixed it but after copying a suggested instance and applying that then switching to lemdro.id worked. 🤷♂️
This was on Firefox by the way.
Just installed. I can’t set lemdro.id as my home instance because it doesn’t match the proper formating. I even tried just copying directly from the address bar :(
edit: I copied lemmy.world from the suggestions and deleted lemmy.world and put in lemdro.id and it worked. idk what I was doing wrong the first time.
Love it since this has been a hang up for me in the past but how do you handle when someone is logged into multiple instances? I’m on mobile right now can’t download and check. Is there a way to select your home instance inside of the extension or does it know “know” which instance you are logged into?
Before I even posted this I actually read the last sentence and realized you answered my question posting this anyway incase anyone else skims then goes for the comments and to help engagement 😂 great work looking forward to installing it.
On my desktop browser I have it set to relock only when I close the browser. So I only have to enter my master password the first time.
I have an Android phone and an iPhone and have bitwarden enabled on both and set to auto lock after 15 minutes. Very rarely do I run into and instance where bitwarden won’t be able to auto populate everything on either device and I have biometrics set up to unlock my vault. When it doesn’t I have to go searching but imo it’s a minor inconvenience because it very rarely happens.
If you mean that when you are using the auto entry feature your account isn’t showing up to populate the field without searching then you need to save the URI to the password so that bitwarden knows what account goes with that site. Just hit the auto fill and save button and it will automatically add that URI for you so you don’t have to search next time.
Another vote for Bitwarden just in case anyone needed one more comment to get them to use it.
Made the same switch in October last year. Glad I made the switch. My work phone is an iphone and I don’t generally use personal things on there but I do sometimes and being able to just login to bitwarden and sign into all my stuff is great. At first the switch sucks because my god did I personally have so many accounts but as you go it gets easier and easier. I recommend it to everyone and generally just get weird looks lol
If that’s true then the 2FA is worthless. even when you do set it up there isn’t a verification process like most other sites so if an instance admin can just reset the account to turn it off and give me the account back that’s horrible for security.
But it’s fine if I cost an app dev their time and instances money and give nothing to no one? Genuine question because I don’t understand all the sync hate.