My experience in Sweden suggest those are a very few online loudmouths, not at all indicative of how a visually diverse group was treated there. In fact, one black American mentioned how awesome it was just to be, and have their skin not be an issue in any wsy.
And some common browsers let you open a top tab, like private browsing, but full tor
I think your definition is a fine one. I think the Nuance I was trying to make and perhaps did poorly was that the US already pays a huge amount for healthcare but we pay it to companies to do research that they then use to make profit worldwide. Not to provide services for everyone. It’s a matter of priority
Having lived for quite a long time in canada, I think most Americans would love the it.
Semi related - The USA is already socialist if you consider they have more spent per capita on healthcare, and pay for things like roads, police, fire departments, schools and the like. On the last point, they pay all the way through High School and then significantly subsidize universities as well. It’s all a matter of degree. In the usa, we socialize on many fronts, and then pay companies more than we would pay to socialize the same service and consider that better. Imo, it’s very much not.
A couple come to mind
The guy who ran a porn server from work. Was finally caught when the internet bill was huge and the cio and a tech tracked it through the network to his port. Waited until he walked away for a minute and when he came back found them on hands and knees about to pull the network cable from the server under his desk. Apparently he was making quite a bit off it too. His first words were ‘I’m fired, aren’t I?’
A woman who lied constantly. She’d claim we built something other than what we were asked to make, and the only defense was to show her the email where she asked for exactly what she got. We learned to document everything with her.
Funny side story. When I joined, all bright eyed and energetic, they assigned me to support her. No warning. I went on and created some software for her, only to get screamed at an blamed for made up reasons. I thought I was about to get fired… Turns out my team was kind of being assholes too. They all decided not to tell me anything to see if a fresh unbiased person had issues too.
Getting hit in the balls.
Are they doing that with everyone removing their content lately? So much for having control of your user account and persona.
And we seem to like destroying their breeding grounds. I’m leaving some brush piles in place and starting to see few more of them