If you want to earn enough money to live on, learn a skill and get a better job!
*Learns a skill and gets a better job*
Hey, not like that!
If you want to earn enough money to live on, learn a skill and get a better job!
*Learns a skill and gets a better job*
Hey, not like that!
There is nothing communist about that. He’s not advocating abolishing private ownership. Businesses and workers both operate in the free market, which allows workers to advocate for their position in the market.
The free market doesn’t exist in a communist economy. Communism uses a planned economy, so the government strongly regulates both businesses and workers. This eliminates workers’ leverage over employers.
If the only way to defend communism is by claiming that no country has ever done communism correctly, then that’s a problem. You can’t point to a single successful communist country because there aren’t any.
China became far more successful since it abandoned communism for its own flavor of capitalism. Private ownership in China has led to a massive improvement in quality of life for most Chinese residents, and more opportunities for success than ever before.
Meanwhile, most complaints about capitalism have almost nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with laws and regulations or human greed (which is the worst part of any system).
I empathize with your story, but I’m not sure why it became about anti-women doctors. Men constantly have our complaints misdiagnosed.
The problem is that most GPs aren’t very good. People who do the best in medical school often choose to become surgeons or specialists, not GPs.
Good cops are usually punished for calling out bad cops. The system is broken.
Where would UBI come from if nobody is working?
CEOs simply prefer working in an office with all their underlings around.
If CEOs want people to work at the office, they’d be working at the office. Articles trying to polarize people by categorizing us into “elites want x, everyone else wants y” just make people angry for no reason.
Lots and lots of CEOs are really happy to have people working from home. That’s why working from home is still a popular thing. There are also CEOs who think working from home hurts productivity or culture. They can order everyone back to the office whenever they want and short of wide-scale quitting, which rarely happens, they’ll get what they want.
Besides user count, the number of federated instances, posts, and comments will also increase server costs. Its possible that federating from many instances has a larger performance penalty than having a high user count.
IIRC, he fought the Russians to protect Ukraine from their invasion. He had no other allegiance to Germany or Nazis. It was a “the enemy of my enemy is my ally” situation.