This is over a year old and completely made-up.
You can buy good can openers and bad ones in any country.
Just like when they kept calling Harris a communist. You dumbasses, actual communists fucking hate Kamala Harris.
Edison was a huge proponent of DC power, so hooking him up to an AC device would endlessly annoy him.
It’s absolutely an ADHD symptom if it happens every time a person tries to read. Whether or not they need medication is a separate issue.
Political bribery is legal in the US and musky gave Trump a lot of money.
People will quit on their own or get fired for not following the order, either way forfeiting any severance pay. Then the remaining people who RTO will be overworked because they’re seen as desperate to keep their job.
And in case it’s not obvious, musky and ramyswamy don’t actually give a shit about government efficiency. Trump appointed them as repayment for helping his campaign and they’ll probably both steal money from the government and get pardoned by Trump if they get caught.
And now Trump stuck Greene in there with them to get her to shut up about ethics reports.
I think refrigerating eggs is inconsequential compared to the other thing that happened.
Because so many people think monopolies are good before playing this game 🙄 Mouse Trap ends when there’s only one mouse left, so do we suddenly need to worry about rodent genocide??
Holy shit imagine earnestly comparing the infinite complexities of life to a fucking board game for kids.
Seems useful to me. If I’m selling my house I don’t want to spend a bunch of my own time setting up all the showings and being there for each one. And if I have to trust someone else to do it, they should be licensed and trackable in case something goes wrong.
It does seem like a job that attracts lazy people though, and it also seems like there are way too many agents in general.
“What’s up with all the orb posts” says the guy making a post about orbs 🤔
I love any game with a handcrafted map and some exploration. Even Satisfactory, a factory building game, does an excellent job at that. Procedural generation has its uses but lacks soul I guess.
Dude is trying to be more considerate in his life and your response is basically “don’t” lmao wild
Non-plastic alternatives would also cause much more food spoilage which would also lead to increased food prices. Most people don’t understand just how incredible plastic is as food packaging.
The same meme but it’s the UK and one of the many countries that was left fucked up after British imperialism.
Holy shit dude fuck off
Can she also move between them the normal way too? Because screen wrap for the cursor is a thing.