Because grocery stores don’t make that data accessible to third party developers, otherwise someone would do what you’re suggesting and they’d risk you shopping elsewhere.
Developer, 11 year reddit refugee
Because grocery stores don’t make that data accessible to third party developers, otherwise someone would do what you’re suggesting and they’d risk you shopping elsewhere.
Give NixOS a shot. It’s got a learning curve that may be difficult if you’ve never read code, but it’s my preferred immutable setup.
It even has more packages than Arch.
Here’s the video that got me onto it:
Bro just accept the L and quit while you still can
Edit: I just saw the thread 💀
I’ve had pretty good experience with both Paperspace and Runpod. Paperspace even offers free gpu’s, though availability is not guaranteed
I was using Vanced for around a year, and immediately switched to Revanced when it became available. No issues so far
You could always try Asahi Linux if you’re on a newer MacBook
You’re not paying to remove ads from Lemmy. You can continue using Lemmy ad-free on mobile via the mobile site or any of the other PWA’s or native apps. What you’re paying to remove ads from is Sync. The developer has decided that they need to be compensated to sustain the amount of effort developing and maintaining the app requires. If you don’t want to pay that price with cash or your eyeballs then don’t use it.
Nobody is forcing you to use Sync, nobody is forcing you to see ads. The beauty of a platform like Lemmy is you have the choice to use whatever client you want. That doesn’t mean you’re entitled to any of them.
There’s an expression I think about a lot, “You can’t think when you’re hungry”
Unfortunately principles and ideals are calorie-free
We may not like it, but this is what progress looks like?
This has nothing to do with rockstar culture and everything to do with the fact that you’re spending 10x the amount of typing complaining about an issue than it would have taken you to just go and fix it and be done with this. So either you don’t want it fixed because you prefer to complain and die on your sword, or you don’t know how to fix it.
Either way I’m done with the conversation. If there is actually an issue I expect someone else who is actually levelheaded and reasonable will identify it and submit a PR. Because that’s how you improve open source software, not by throwing tantrums and making wild assumptions about peoples agendas. Go touch grass or something.
A 2-line SQL TRIGGER removal takes about minutes to fix.
Then go fix it and open a PR
It’s amazing how you have fallen hook line and sinker into believing that the problem is difficult to solve. It’s the agenda that is the problem.
If the problem is easy to solve, then go solve it, open a PR, and come back here once you’ve done so.
If you’re going to signal that something needs to be done, and you want people to join you in supporting that belief, then actually put something forward that people can get behind. What would me getting angry alongside you actually accomplish? If there was a PR then the community could go and say “Here is a solution, here’s why we think it’s worth merging” and a discussion could actually be had.
Instead you’re just giving rhetoric about how they don’t want to solve this without any evidence, actually creating a PR and having it rejected would be all the anyone needs to see to support your opinion, so go do it.
They have people like you who will not read actual code to see that they only care about the fact that “Rust is cool programming language” and crashing code doesn’t get any priority.
I’ve have merged PR’s in the Lemmy repos. Don’t assume you know anything about me or my position, because you don’t. I don’t have any particular stance on Rust and if this is actually an issue it’s one I’d like to see resolved, so go open a PR and get the conversation started instead of whinging here.
They even started a new front-end Rust application this month, because they don’t care to bother with the core of the site
Are you referring to this repo that Dessalines forked and hasn’t made a single commit against? That hardly seems like they’re abandoning the current frontend and more like a dev messing around with various tech as we all do.
PostgreSQL doing INSERT and SELECT statements to load comments.
If you know what’s wrong, and you know how to fix it, then either put up or shut up. Go make a PR and fix the problem and show us that they rejected the PR because they’re not interested in improving performance. There’s folks like Phiresky actually making meaningful contributions to the backend to help improve Postgre performance, something both dessalines and nutomic have said they’re not well experts in. Be like Phiresky, actually put your code where your mouth is.
Lastly, I don’t know if you were aware of this, but the Lemmy devs don’t owe you anything. Even less so if you’re not actually contributing code or money to help move this project forward.
You’re spamming this all over this thread. Why don’t you go create a PR instead? If you think you have a better solution then go discuss it with the people who have the full context and try to get it fixed instead of complaining here.
Same experience in Argentina and Paraguay
I think it’s a bit silly to have megathreads just because some users can’t scroll past posts that doesnt interest them.
The problem is there are so goddamn many, to the extent that I’m working on a userscript that lets me entire hide posts that contain keywords. Checking my frontpage using Subscribed/Active, 5 of the first 20 posts are about this “news”. And that’s a full day after it happened, yesterday was far worse
Edit: The userscript is ready!
Is the subjective experience the thing that defines what is the most palatable form of this?
If that’s the case then as someone else suggested they could simply remove the memory of the experience up until right before you walk out the other end. For all you knew it was incredibly excruciating but you’re none the wiser. Would the lack of that memory negate the experience?
Exactly, if you are not annihilated then that means two identical versions of an entity that thinks it’s you exist simultaneously, and now one of them has to be killed to maintain the illusion of this being transport rather than cloning.
Now I want to see a dystopian fiction where the original instances of a person are taken away and used as slave labor while the clones come out the other side thinking they’re the only copy.
Let’s assume the machine works one of two ways. It either destroys the original as it’s read into the machine and reconstructing on the other end, or it’s not destroying the original and simply reading and copying simultaneously.
In the first case there are zero complete copies of you in existence as you’re undergoing a phase of removing information from place and reconstructing it in another, I’d call that death and cloning.
In the second case there are two identical copies of you in existence until they destroy the original, I’d call that a clone.
Go ahead and try scraping an arbitrary list of sites without an API and let me know how that goes. It would be a constant maintenance headache, especially if you’re talking about anything other than the larger chains that have fairly standardized sites