No country should be bigger than 200000-400000 km²
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
No country should be bigger than 200000-400000 km²
Abortion is sometimes the less monstrous alternative in a horrible situation, and it should never be seen as less than that.
Women should have enough social safety nets that abortion would never even cross their minds.
It is mostly Capitalism with its focus on productivity and selling youth and beauty that pressures women into it, women are “freeing” themselves into Capitalistic slavery.
From: “leftist” privileged cis het white guy, feel free to ignore or bash me
Personally I prefer it starting on Sunday, but also here with Portuguese being the main language it only makes sense to start on Sunday, Monday to Friday are called second-fair, third-fair, fourth-fair, fifth-fair, and sixth-fair. Fair as in either market or festival.
Yes, that certainly applies to the most popular ones, but not necessarily true for all instances of these technologies.
They are neat tools, if looked at realistically. They certainly don’t deserve to be called AI. I like to call them High Coherence Media Transformers.
Filter into a Thermos?
Both, but the second always gets stuck before the end.
Dipyrone. It’s OTC here in Brazil, but it seems to be restricted in other places.
Turn it into a story about the time you got the opportunity to flip a trolley track switch.
Indirectly, yes, but not far. The instability created by people fighting over the scraps of his conquests allowed the rise of the Roman empire, and people fighting over their scraps throughout the Middle Ages led to the creation of the modern empires.
I posted this question on Mastodon some time ago:
Is there any modern geopolitical issue that can’t be blamed on Alexander “the great”?
More like open source engine for Minecraft-like games and more.
Depends on the type of tiredness.
Physical? Yes.
Mental? The reason will also probably keep me awake.
Sickness? I’m tired of staying in bed.
Português brasileiro fluente/nativo.
Read/Write fluent English, a bit broken speech.
Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch lesen/verstehen. Es war meine erste Sprache, aber ich habe das meiste davon vergessen, als ich Portugiesisch lernte.
I like to think that anything that CAN be art, if it can be meaningful for someone.
A pebble might be ignored by most people, but a geologist might be fascinated by it, I think that becomes art.
Even in something worked-on at the very least the artist is the observer, and they will put into it the meaning they perceive in it, and if they never share with anyone it’s still art.
My opinion.
While I think it’s extremely overhyped, looking at some “AI” art communities it’s clear that at least some put a lot of effort on it, going over many many iterations and tweaking the program and the results.
And anyway art is “made” by the observer, not the artist, even the results of natural processes can be art.
(AI in quotes because these tools don’t deserve the name, at best High Coherence Media Transformers)
Frutiger Aero from Windows Vista and 7 was the peak of UI design.
Here voting is always on a Sunday, and for those that work Sundays, the employer has to arrange so that they have time to go vote.
Iguaçu Falls, on the border between Brazil and Argentina. Nearby you could also visit Itaipu Dam, formerly largest in the world.
Going a bit into the same Brazilian state of Paraná, there’s also the amazing Vila Velha park, with incredible sandstone formations.