Thanks for clarifying. It’s been a long time since I used Tor
Tor specific websites. Those not found on Google or other common search engines.
… isn’t using Tor on the traditional internet a very bad idea, since it exposes all users to the tracking ecosystem?
Nope. It’s mostly white people to blame for trump, not any minority group.
Killing of a country’s citizens by its own people or government
Intragroup Genocide (ex, the Khmer Rouge conflict in Cambodia)
Probably mean the first definition.
Cassandra, cursed by Apollo to have the gift of prophecy but to never be believed.
Yep. The warbled surface defects are a dead giveaway
The issue I have is there is no surpassing to happen here. We’ve platued on possible AI milestones, so the only new move will be the next big thing… which is impossible to predict when it’ll happen.
It’s not a question of if your urinary tract will explode, but where.
He left it to kill it and any climate action, not to get a new one. Shut the fuck up
SpaceX’s shit blows up all the time
How will it take to reach this number once the cease-fire begins? I’m guessing less than a month.
Liberalism is not the Liberal party. It’s the marriage of capitalism and democracy that most countries have today.
… why is there a photo of Jonathan Bailey?
Yeah, the only one of these I’ve seen has been removed from the net. It was a YouTube channel called pogobat, namely a time period called “Dan Brown 3.0”. He gave his life to the YouTube comment section and you could watch in real time as it ripped his life to shreds.
As my brother can attest to, there are women take anyone who passes as a man as a threat in the women’s restroom and will go get people to do something. Poor dude was just trying to get tampons.
“Heavily invested”. The 1% own the majority of stocks. The top 10% own 93% of the stock market.