I don’t feel like they’re considering the fungus
I don’t feel like they’re considering the fungus
Commercially manufactured discs have a much longer life span than burned discs
A charisma based caster is probably the best idea for a new player. Sorcerers have great AOE options and will be good at talking their way out of situations.
Because they want to fuck animals?
Yeah it being an incredibly addictive universally approachable game has nothing to do with it being widely played for over 40 years… 🙄
Tetris enters the chat
Can’t imagine why ublock is so popular
They even float if they are thrown in a lake.
Incredibly vulnerable population attracted to owning a dog who is a capable protector. News at 11.
We already are.
It’s a podcast about engineering disasters… with slides
I can’t even remember most of high school
Now that’s a subtle car joke
Cooking for one sucks balls. I like cooking for a larger group but cooking for one is only worth it if you do a big batch and eat it for a while
Weird to claim larian never meant you to play in a manner they specifically gave you the ability to do.
Directed by Michael Mann
If you have damp feet in a tropical environment you get foot fungus. Even though they drain well, your feet will still be damp due to inefficient evaporation due to high humidity and little air circulation