Okay. The police will just have to arrest hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people all across the country then.
Okay. The police will just have to arrest hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people all across the country then.
In no way is this child abuse. Preventing your child from playing Paper Mario is though.
Do you have kids? Do you have a live-in maid? Do you spend all day Sunday doing meal prep for the week? People are working longer hours, commuting more, and have less time. I’m all for personal accountability, but man, there’s only so many hours in a day. Imagine you had an emergency on a Sunday night. No lunch for the week?
Skyrim. After 200 hours, you start becoming really aware of the “seams” and the clunkiness of the Creation Engine. Although, while you’re still working your way through the quests, and every stat isn’t at 100 yet, it’s pure pure pure bliss. To have that original feeling back. Gah!
He said he “doesn’t deserve it” he didn’t say he wasn’t gonna get that bag lol
If you invested money at 1% interest, you would lose money due to inflation.
Okay, but Zuck doesn’t make 50K a year. He makes billions a year. AND he has a net worth of over $100B.
Hop on discord/matrix. We chillin tonight.
It’s literally rated as one of the best RPGs of all time. Nothing quite like it. If you enjoy CRPGs, it’s a Buy.
How do you think politics works? It’s all talk. Then they vote on a bill.
You’re underestimating how influential Bernie is. He’ll never be POTUS, but he got into people’s heads in a big way.
The extra money comes from the management not robbing their employees blind.
Some of those things are possible. Why not try to get them?
Businesses wanted to seem like they cared about people’s health and safety at the beginning of the pandemic, now commercial property values are tanking and that means the ruling class loses a vector from which they can siphon wealth away from the working class.
I’m all for cooking at home and lots of DIY projects, but I just think this is one thing better left to the pros. Also, yeah I’m in Canada. So I’m sure there are online options, but again, time and equipment are huge factors.
The problem with roasting your own coffee is I have a life in a city in the Western hemisphere and nowhere around me sells raw coffee beans.
That’s not communism. Communism is when the state owns the means of production. Socialism is when the workers own the means of production.
Fuck communism. Socialism is fine. You don’t need the government owning every single business and paying people out income equalization and food vouchers. Put the power back in the people’s hands.
Nothing was debunked. It was proven that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. It was on daytime television, when Trump called on Russia to hack Hilary. It was on daytime television, when Trump divulged classified intelligence to a Russian diplomat. He admitted to attempting to blackmail Zelenskyy by withholding military aid in exchange for dirt on Joe Biden. What part of the Russia/Donald Trump connection do you contest?