Look into one Mr. Frank Grillo for all of the things you seek.
Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches
AC24 1DE5 AE92 3B37 E584 02BA AAF9 795E 393B 4DA0
Look into one Mr. Frank Grillo for all of the things you seek.
He’s truly not very nice! In fact, he’s (IMO) the polar opposite of someone classy like the late Christopher Plummer (RIP) whom I got to work with on a feature years back.
Edit: or Anthony Hopkins who introduced himself to my friend as “Tony”.
I worked on a few movies with him.
Here’s the exact exchange I overheard between him and a PA on the set of Finestkind:
PA: “Can I get you anything, Mr. Jones?”
Tommy Lee Jones: “I’ll have some hot tea please.”
PA: “We have Oolong tea, Earl Grey, Green Tea, or would you like something else?”
Tommy Lee Jones: “I’d like a hot cup of too many fucking questions!”
So yeah. This is EXACTLY what he’s like. He does NOT put up with bullshit.
Not as badly as I seem. It’s just insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results that gets me heated.
This is a good retort. I’m disarmed and willing to cede this point to you. IMHO, voting third party is ineffective but I will cede that voter apathy is worse.
Personally, I voted for Cruz in a solidly dem state.
If Kamala couldn’t even pretend to pledge to stop a genocide (which I knew she wouldn’t from her enthusiastic speeches for the AIPAC alone) she shouldn’t have anyone’s vote. if there are only two viable parties, at least one of them should be pacifists, right?
Thanks for the intellectually honest and non-defensive reply. You’re the type of voter shamer that I can at least come to a common ground with. 🕊️
If you think voting between two utterly corrupt parties that collaborate on fucking you over behind closed doors matters, get fucked.
No. But the way to fix this CERTAINLY isn’t to post memes broadcasting your anger at some perceived slight from people that won’t step in line behind a sham system like some stupid sheep to be herded for your silly partisan hackery. The shaming does nothing more than perpetuate the very issue of corruption and austerity in the US.
Ranked choice voting solves the issues created by FPTP.
Have you EVER seen evidence that shaming marginalized, unrepresented, utterly voiceless and abused voters works?
How dare you, OP.
What you’re doing is the equivalent of victim-shaming. The two party system is a fucking sham; and if you’re too comfortable (or ignorant) to realize that, you need to go read up on the US’s fake democracy and stop punching down on your allies.
Some reading:
1.) First past the post makes only two parties possible.
2.) Voting is a fucking sham when you only have two private parties that win court cases where they are accused of election fraud, offering the following as their defense:
“We could have voluntarily decided that, ‘Look, we’re gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way,’”
furthermore, the DNC’s lawyer said,
“There’s no right to not have your candidate disadvantaged or have another candidate advantaged. There’s no contractual obligation here…it’s not a situation where a promise has been made that is an enforceable promise,”
If your two parties are legally allowed to engage in open election fraud in the process of selecting those only two possible candidates, how effective is it IN REALITY to vote?
95% likely China could use them as a DDOS attack vector someday. They’re ubiquitous. Espressif Systems is a Chinese company based in Shanghai.
We need widespread adoption and innovation in OPEN ARCHITECTURES like RISC-V. Anything else is just citizens and companies being used as pawns to do the dirty work for rivaling nation states that spy on and stifle the liberties of their own citizens.
The US government has most likely hidden a back door in Intel chips and China has most likely hidden a back door into ARM, ESP8266, ESP32, and other chipsets. No one can ever prove this conclusively without violating NDA’s because these are closed architectures.
Hopefully this sticks. IMO, movie studios need to keep attracting customers or the whole film industry will stay dead.
At least in the cannabis industry here, they have a piece of software that they use to submit their inventories to the state. My current plan is to look into incorporating my system into that so I get accurate reports that are required by law to be done anyway.
I’d love to discuss further the pitfalls of my idea and any special considerations I might need to make.
I’m not sure yet TBH, but you’re welcome to help or build your own.
I intend to make it an entirely free and open source platform that allows retailers to broadcast their inventory to aggregators. No ads just like Lemmy, though I suppose that the feed itself serves as kind of an ad.
It was intended for the cannabis industry. Then the plan was to roll it out to the rest of the retail world when it has evolved enough.
There’s also veilid.
I even started a community here: https://infosec.pub/c/lemventory
I’ve been looking into building this. I was originally planning to fork Lemmy to do it but now it looks like NOSTR might be better suited to it.
If it’s as bad as it is in the US, they ALL want to privatize it.
I’ll never forget Joe Lieberman swooping in and literally letting health insurance companies completely rewrite (destroy) the Affordable Care Act from an incremental step toward Single Payer into a law that codifies their profiteering. It put everyone into three categories:
A.) people who make more than their incredibly low income means testing are required to shop for expensive private health insurance on the free market. Health insurance companies literally raised their rates right after this. Because of Joe, health insurance profits, medical bankruptcy, and death from being under/uninsured (70,000 people per year) are at an all-time high! Any real illness won’t be covered and you’ll be forced to cover it with a GoFundMe!
B.) people who face stiff fines if they don’t have health insurance (neoliberal paternalism much like charging people for plastic bags and sugary drinks)
C.) people who somehow manage to sneak in under the means testing income bar! If you are 300% or more below the actual poverty line, you get the most bare bones medical insurance possible!
Thanks for pulling it out of me.
Kind vibes to you, friendly and intellectually honest fellow fediverse Lemmy user. 🙏
It was because I thought the author both understood and even agreed with my point in principle but then did intricate mental gymnastics to disagree with my point and let everyone off the hook including the person that I was disagreeing with.
I don’t want to continue talking in circles with Centrists telling me that the piss pouring on my head is in fact charitable rain drops from the benevolent libs.
I was thinking about that just now.
They did Corbyn dirty in almost exactly the same way that they did Sanders. It has been worst-case-scenario from there on out.
Have they fully privatized NHS yet?
I used to keep a list of repos to pull onto my NAS in case they someday went closed source. I use “mr” for it. It worked great. I had it on a systemd timer.