I can’t tell what’s scarier, having Alzheimer or having parasites in my brain
That cursed post has forever ruined jars for me
There should be a way to see the content from different communities with the same name but from different instances in the same page, like some sort of automatic multireddit. The content would probably be limited to instances federated with your home instance but even then it’s something I would like to have.
Top Gear 3000. It’s the main reason why I have a SNES emulator installed on every device I own lol.
Yt-dlp. It’s basically the only way I download music nowadays.
ConcernedApe comes to mind. I think he has actually said that a big reason why he made his game is so people would listen to his music.
Counterpoint: the Last Light inn theme exists and lives rent-free in my head.
Somehow this is the first time I’ve realized the symbols don’t match their names at all. Not really sure what’s dirty about them but it’s actually pretty handy to have all suits be called the same names in French and Spanish suits since both are widely used around here in Southern Brazil.
Oh, there are so many songs I could choose. Most hits from Brazil aren’t well known outside. This one is a certified classic, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOchidcyv9Q
They’re talking about Dungeons & Dragons, it’s kind of a tabletop game where one player (the Dungeon Master, or DM) basically creates adventures for the other players. It’s very nerdy but very fun and also takes a lot of time.
Disclaimer: I am not one of the people who complained nor do I have any problems with BG3’s writing and I also have not played Disco Elysium yet. That being said, I’d recommend Disco Elysium.
Moby - Porcelain. I don’t even know why but it always destroys me.
Fun fact: in Brazil this movie is infamously called Fasten your Seatbelts, the Pilot is Gone!.
They can have Neum, as a treat.
It’s from Steam’s 2023 Year in Review. It shows up at the top of the store page when you open their app.
Pretty much. All I want is to be able to pay money to legally download old Nintendo games as simple ROM files, is that too much to ask?
Would be my choice as well. The Wii had an amazing library by itself and could also play GC games out of the box, it’s a pretty good deal even without hacks.
if dolphins could survive on freshwater
Well, you’re in luck cause these guys already exist