Quite the contrary, it’s properly structured and leaves no room for misinterpretation, given that the reader can, well, read.
Quite the contrary, it’s properly structured and leaves no room for misinterpretation, given that the reader can, well, read.
Gel, shampoo, balsam, shaving foam/cream, and roll-on deo from Neutral/Minirisk. Simple, cheap, safe. And the best thing? It doesn’t trigger any allergies.
Though, I do use aftershave from Matas, and oil from ecooking.
I think that covers most of my self-care products.
Isn’t this the plot of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?
@cheese_greater@lemmy.world’s thought process seems perfectly rational. Contrary, your continued belittling of and attempts to force OP into the role of a mentally ill person appears almost like a superiority complex or obsession, uncannily so.
You’re likely a wonderful person who just formulated yourself in a very unlucky way, but OP would surely have spoken up if they needed help.
Thank you, but I already know that study.
My problem is, that while it makes a satisfying click noise and temporarily feels good, it also sometimes becomes itchy or perhaps slightly painful afterwards, and I just don’t like that feeling.
Your idea makes perfect sense, though I think it’s not only embedded in culture (parenting), but also in our nature as humans.
I’m tempted to say that humans are born curious, and by extension, most humans like to share their knowledge or more often their opinions. I know I do.
Yes, but I’m trying to wean myself off of it. Partly because it feels like destructive behavior, and partly because it must be annoying for others to constantly listen to me cracking my knuckles.
And most important, don’t look at your phone or have the TV or computer running in the background. They take focus away from doing nothing.
Going for frequent walks might also work if sitting still is not your thing.
Hell, if the Amaricans and Vietnamese can call a girl “Kim”, then we can call a boy “Jennifer” and say we got inspired.
But it should be.
Better technology and more storage should never excuse a lack of optimization.
I’m not up to speed on the optimization levels of mobile Web browsers, but these days you rarely see properly optimized consumer software. Games and websites tend to be the worst offenders, and many mobile apps appear 10x the size you would expect them to be.
Thank you for the link.
Good thing that the council (and likely the parliament too) want none of the Commissions bullshit.
This isn’t the first time that the Commission proposes controversial laws that most likely will be shot down, and the Commission is already known for attempting to sway the minds of the masses using scare campaigns, but as far as I know, it’s the first time they have used such backhanded methods.
The Commission should face repercussions for such repeated and increasingly disgusting behavior.
You tell us.
Using PWA you’ll retain all the features and nice-to-haves of the app, while also preventing it from doing any weird magic to your files in the background. Sharing files from your main profile to your private profile is also as easy as opening the file in your main profiles file browser and clicking “share”.
What is your threat/privacy level? How far are you willing to go, and what/how much is it that you want to keep private?
I’m clearly too tired to make any sense. Please have a nice evening.
As a side note, if you for some reason turn off the central heating entirely and just use space heaters, then the failsafe will do no good.
Most central heating solutions waste some energy when idling, so one might be tempted to turn them off. Please be careful when doing this.
No no, they’re on to something.
Be carefully you don’t loose your consciousness in the process.
Electric cars are indeed much worse for the climate at production time than combustion cars likely will be throughout their entire lifetime.
But this matters little, as the electric car is not made to be the perfect alternative, it is instead made to be the “weird in between solution” that we need to bring as many devices as possible to use a common power source and get people acquainted with the concept, before moving to the actual solution.
The next steps will be better battery technology because, let’s face it, lithium gel batteries suck, and proper power sources.
In the end, I guess it’s kind of a “chicken and egg” situation.
Dictionaries or lexicons. Who reads those from start to finish?
Wanted to be an inventor since I can remember, kinda like George Gearloose.
Managed to set fire to my dad’s Lego train by bypassing the controller and sticking the rails directly into the wall socket at age 4. Told ya fuckers that the cable for the radio matched the cable for the rails! But would you listen? Oooh no, you wouldn’t. Had to wait all the loooong time for mom to go to the toilet to try out my idea. And yes, I did cry a lot afterwards.
Currently I’m an engineer on master level working with startups, but haven’t gotten around to get a doctors/PHD yet, if I ever choose to attempt one.
Now, my sister was different, didn’t have any real idea what she wanted to do, probably something with art? So back when I just started learning about C I made a simple project with her, where I did the programming, and she decided on the user interface and did some simple copy pasting. Contrary to me, she very much likes making and solving patterns, such as sodoku, and since has become a frontend engineer, combining work with people, arts and design, and programming.
What I’m trying to say is, that you might find your interests reflected in unlikely places. It can be hard to find them, but keep looking until you find something that catches your fancy. And don’t expect this choice to always be sunny and fun. Even those who have their work laid out for them at birth struggle and question themselves every now and again. :)
Screw it, I’m not picky, give me the full slut.