“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”
I like this topic. Pretty much wherever you go, people are practicing this kind of syncretic belief. This is why the “same” religion in two different countries has local flavor. More often than not, when a religion is expanding into new territory, it absorbs some of the preexisting local beliefs. Christmas is a good example within Christianity, with the Christmas tree.
Another example is Japan where they say “you’re born with Shinto, marry with Christianity and die with Buddhism”. Many places maintain animist beliefs alongside more recent religions. There are even communities in South Asia where people attend both Muslim mosques and Hindu temples!
The people I love. My sense of justice.
I don’t use docker, so I just set the interface to the tun0 or whatever in the qbittorrent config.
Organize in your community. Doing something/anything will help alleviate the anxiety and stress you are feeling.
I like how they take a moral stance against Apple and Google, but then proudly display Boeing and the US Air Force as customers.
Slavery, war and genocides.
I learned about Gandhi when I was 12, and thought it was dumb that he would be in hell just because he wasn’t Christian. Absolutely could not square that rule with the idea that “God is love”. Figured it was all a bunch of bullshit.
Ukraine has no leverage to broker any kind of peace. If the US totally cuts off military aid to Ukraine, they cannot hold against Russia. Thus the reality is revealed: this is a proxy war for the US. I know this hurts and is very unfair to Ukrainians, but it just is what it is. Sure, Ukraine can ignore the results of any negotiation, but it will continue the fight without US support-- a fight it has been slowly losing even with that support.
Israel votes with the US on things like this in exchange for US always voting to protect Israel from any censure.
There is no way in hell Russia would make such a deal.
I think you are grinding your axe too sharply. The US never has anyone’s best interest in mind, under any administration. Official US support for Ukraine has never been about freedom, democracy, etc. With that in mind, has the US truly been a friend to the Ukrainian people? They have persisted in prolonging and funding the war well past the point where the prospect of victory had disappeared, at great cost of Ukrainian lives.
Trump is not going to “ally” with Russia. If you call negotiating a peace deal that reflects the relative strength of the Russian position an “alliance” I will have to disagree with you. The worst part of what Trump is doing is extorting Ukraine for the privilege of having suffered for US strategic aims.
Sucks to go see a band you love and be disappointed. Hope your next show is better!
You have to be high as hell to think Ukraine would ever be in NATO at this point. All NATO countries would have to agree to start WW3.
You aren’t exactly wrong in your first two quote-responses, I will give you that. “The Left” commonly answers the second with an idea called ‘eternal revolution’. The idea being that we cannot stop improving, or become so lazy in our ways that we begin to ossify into a form over function society.
I urge you to read the letter. It will raise your consciousness a hundred times more than any conversation you’ll have on Lemmy today.
I genuinely believe that a Harris administration would also be looking for an exit at this point. The US has failed to meet most (any?) of its objectives with this proxy war, and is finally admitting it. This is a bitter pill indeed for many people in Ukraine and abroad. The fact is that nothing will turn the tide/retake territory, barring US/NATO intervention. I cannot see that happening no matter who sits in the oval office. Trump is a brash asshole about it, just like everything else, but I think the results will be the same.
Again, it’s not my experience that such analysis boils down to defending Russia. You don’t have to agree with an argument to understand it, and you need to understand it if you don’t want to misrepresent it.
There may well be people like you describe, but I see this point of view as exaggerated more often than not. I don’t know any leftists that “support” Russia, and certainly not any that think Putin is any kind of good guy. Yes, they view the US as a bigger threat to the world (with very good reason!). They also have a more nuanced view of the geopolitics and history around the war in Ukraine.
I have Jellyfin running on a VPS. I used Swizzin Community Edition to set it all up. It is available online.