Probably some corporate brainwashing website
Probably some corporate brainwashing website
And likewise, oligarchy calling itself communism smells just as rancid.
It’s not insane! 3D printing is making huge strides. You were just a little ahead of your time.
If we can run Doom on 16 billion crabs, then you can carve a 3D printer.
So then the solution is to decentralize so everyone is running it.
Some people only learn when something bad happens to them.
List your hobbies
What’s the second worst industry in America after health care?
Then they’ll just hire Task Rabbits or otherwise divide companies by pay.
Starbucks needs more union stores. Unions can address loopholes more quickly and effectively than government legislators can. Deunionization is half the reason why inequality has skyrocketed since the 1970s.
We need to fix the root causes of inequality by building infrastructure that can’t just be destroyed by executive order.
It drives him crazy when you say that.
Because the votes are just for fun. Anybody could just make multiple accounts anyways.
Even after the election the idea of New parties kept being ridiculed, even though it would be the best time to push for it.
They’ve been doing this in particular for at least 24 years, since the 2000 election. It has been obvious that FPTP needs to go this entire time. And still only a handful of Democrats oppose it.
When election season rolls around, they’ll say that you just started and should wait for a more convenient season. They’ll tell you that the third party isn’t built up enough yet, and should go from 0 to 51% votes as all spherical voters coordinate perfectly.
They’ll tell you to “push for” all sorts of stuff without actually holding anyone accountable. Just protest with a sign that says “I’ll still vote for you but pretty please change”.
Yes they did. They 100% should have seen through him like everyone else and are more to blame than anyone but Trump himself.
Stop supporting a monopoly that helps Russia
Hey it’s not like we have secret prisons with no due process where people are tortured.
Militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation, and strong regimentation of society are all characteristics of fascism listed in the meme.
BAT is a scam because its value proposition is 100% bullshit. We already tried pay-to-surf in the 1990s and the problem was that it’s a Turing test - not the payment mechanism.
It went down because it’s a scam, not vice versa.
Seriously asking, is there a country where advertising is banned?
Ok, dishonest question 😜: In a world where all prostitution is banned, how do I know who will fuck me?
Like, is a website you find in a search result prostitution? Is putting something in the personals section an ad?
Maybe we need to qualify “No prostitution” with something?
Much better than a measly THX 1138.