Shoulda made the alias instead it sounds like!
Shoulda made the alias instead it sounds like!
For most people who menstruate, they bleed for around 7 days but that’s not the number of days spent in pain, which are typically 1-3 days with varying levels discomfort. Peak discomfort may only be for a few hours when appropriately treated. Flexibility here might include working from home if an option, where you can be under a heat pack and well medicated, up to time off (partial days off here can be important!). People who need to take multiple days off a month for this 1) probably would do it anyway and maybe call it a headache or something else instead, and 2) may need further medical care and attention (that they may be able to receive if they aren’t spending all of their sick time on this one issue).
All you’re doing is telling other trans people that their gender recognition is conditionally valid only on their good behavior, and that it can be revoked if they piss you off. Maybe consider why this would make trans people feel unsafe with you, even if they are on your side politically.
Hi! Not strictly a lesbian here but in a lesbian relationship. Yes, lesbians have top/bottom dynamics typically in the “one doing the action” vs the “one being acted upon” across various different acts. Most switch it up (“vers”), rather than identifying primarily as tops or bottoms. If you are strictly a top or strictly a bottom, you’re described as “stone” as in “stone top” or “stone bottom”.
Very important that these are completely different roles than dominant/submissive/switch, which are BDSM terms and describe a more psychological aspect of a relationship than the more physical top/bottom/vers.
Look, folks in the US are extremely on edge about this election (that’s both currently happening through early voting and the last day possible within 2 weeks), and in particular, foreign interference/propaganda. There’s a lot of crap we’re getting from every angle under the sun trying to get “the right people” to vote and “the wrong people” to stay at home, depending on the political inclination. It’s exhausting and we’re having a bad time. We know shit sucks here and we are trying our hardest to not descend further into fascism with a guy who literally admires Hitler. If we get some lightly progressive policies out of it, that’s great. By pushing some “both parties suck” propaganda in this eleventh hour, everyone is going to dog pile you because we’re sick of this so much.
Thank you lol
I am noting that OP didn’t respond here, mayhaps they enjoy critiquing political circumstances they can’t contribute to more than addressing their own? 🤔
And they edited the post to something innocuous! For anyone coming in late, the original was what u/Prunebutt here said but with US politics instead.
Bruh you’re not even US American, get outta here with this defeatist crap. Don’t you have your own right wing surge to fight in Germany?
So, Gattica?
Is this a community, or is this a circlejerk? I don’t think categorizing beginners who don’t know where to start as leeches creates the kind of environment people of all knowledge levels want to spend time in. You don’t personally have to educate them, but telling them off for asking is pretty rude.
Anyone thinking that lemmy is a welcoming space to women should read through that thread first.
Edit: the current state of Lemmy and the fediverse reminds me heavily of early reddit, for better and for worse. You can curate some pretty supportive communities if you are careful picking them out, they remain well moderated, etc. But there are plenty of places where you’ll get scummy content if you wander or if posts attract too much attention.
They’ve actually slightly improved this lately, they ask about what they determine are risky sexual behaviors (ie hookups) with no gender attached now. The one thing is that you can’t be actively taking PrEP and donate because it would obscure the HIV testing results (that they ought to be doing every time, multiple times!).
Source: https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements/lgbtq-donors.html
Wow, what a fun cool way to call someone a slur without having the cajones to type it out plain.
Pointed out elsewhere online already, but Wyll and Astarion are swapped
I can also vouch for FreeTaxUSA, I’ve compared it against a few major tax companies and at least for relatively simple stuff, they were totally identical results, and just as easy to use.
There are a few options for free filing based on income (generally, lower that $79k) here: https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free
And if you’re in one of 12 lucky states, there’s an IRS Direct File trial program:
New Hampshire
New York
South Dakota
Washington state
You can do this with certain apps, like Boost!
I checked and I can get Mango through my local library for free. Definitely worth looking into!
PBS Space Time
I’d recommend PBS Storied as well! It has a compilation of a few segments like Monsterum (folklore), Otherwords (etymology), Fate and Fabled (mythology), and more
This post is less than half an hour old, can you let people see it first before complaining of silence?