Because it can do something that the alternatives can’t do or because they refuse to use something more modern?
Because it can do something that the alternatives can’t do or because they refuse to use something more modern?
That’s the thing. There’s a long line of hands taking turns in stroking his ego. Which one was last to do it? How long before the next one and who is it going to be? We don’t know any of that.
It only works as a joke when your audience knows you well enough to know it’s meant as a joke without the /s. That does not apply to you when you post on Lemmy.
Those interests have historically been very stable over time so it was easy to tell if you were going to be a friend or foe. But they suddenly changed with the current administration and we have no idea what they are anymore.
Sometimes it’s so they can sell the “cheats” to you as microtransactions instead.
Where would that be a significant upgrade over entering the numbers on a calculator?
Anything you buy that comes in a bag can be moved into a jar. It saves a lot of space because jars tesselate nicer and can use up vertical space more efficiently. It also encourages you to actually use the things you buy because you’ve now removed the friction of digging through piles of bags and hoping that the bag you pull out isn’t load bearing for the rest of the pile. Opening a jar is also much easier than opening/resealing bags.
We never have enough jars in this household.
A friend who thinks exactly the same as I do and can get excited at the same ideas? Hell yeah, we’d be inseparable. I have so many projects that would be much easier done with two people. Also, free gym buddy/trainer. My partner would be into it as well for a multitude of reasons. The only trouble would be living space.
I can’t think of anything worthwhile we can do as a single legal entity so first thing we’d do is probably acquire a new legal identity so we can legally work and be taxed separately and just generally participate in society. It would be pretty easy to prove that we’re genetically identical and therefore are identical twins born at the same time at the same place to the same parents. Everything else can be chalked up to clerical error. The people in charge of this aren’t paid enough to care and dig any further than that.
It gives you an early signal that the relationship won’t work out if the other party decides to contribute nothing for no reason other than to have their cake and eat it too.
I’m of the belief that when it comes to relationships, if you’re thinking about it transactionally, then you’re doing things wrong. As long as being together is a net positive for both parties, then it doesn’t matter if one contributes more than the other.
On a more pragmatic note, you can contribute a lot through non-financial means and these are difficult to quantify, so it’s simply not worth the effort to do that kind of bean counting. If you don’t feel that they’re pulling their weight, then you talk about it and make some adjustments.
Finally an authoritative source on the conversion rate between $ and tynb!
My experience has been that you basically restart the process of building a new social circle every few years. Life circumstances change. People move away. Some relationships grow apart. Some start families. So there’s always going to be others in the same boat as you looking for new connections.
Ah, I didn’t realize the moon could look bigger/smaller at different times. I thought you were saying that the moon is actually the same size as the sun or something like that.
that the moon’s apparent size is due to how close it is to earth (same for seasons and the sun)
Also, what’s the size/proximity of seasons?
That’s provided by the milk
Wow, my parents had a Samsung and it also broke on the exact same part. No replacement parts available except from a third party seller and it was way too expensive to justify fixing.
Stop scanning your card for a few visits and report back.
If you’re your own audience, then you can keep the joker in your head. Posting it on Lemmy broadcasts it to everyone here and that makes all of us your audience.