Many DLC are.
Idk about the base game
Many DLC are.
Idk about the base game
I don’t think I’ll buy Stellaris DLC unless it’s 90% off
I would argue calling all they/them is the opposite of misgendering. “They” has no gender. It is neuter.
“Intentional non-gendering” seems sensible and inoffensive. No chance of misgendering anyone.
I don’t consider “devolving” to mean tracing back evolutionary paths but, instead, adaptations that we don’t value.
Take Idiocracy for example. Humanity selectively breeding to become dumber with every genration. Devolving, not backwards, but away from intelligence.
Planned obsolescence. When the battery finally dies, you can’t use it wired.
A similar joke could be made in English as “root”, to dig with the nose, is also part of a plant. Earthworm is, unfortunately, not a homophone.
My favorite of this style is about roast beef and pea soup.
Trickle-down economics.
Does Italian have a certain way to pronounce acronyms? Plenty are pronounced in English. Eg: laser
If you’re lucky they’ll turn you away at sign-in saying, “the courtroom is full, take your money and go”.
If a different sperm had won, I wouldn’t be here.
Team effort or not, there is one success.
We all had a choice (well, maybe not ivf babies), we were just so dumb (single cell sperm) that the “choice” was not informed.
Use is to be used
Useful implies a user
Only life can use
A decade old paperwhite is plenty good jailbroken. A real bargain.
Ported Super Mario 64 is under 60mb.
Not the password to unlock your phone, but the credentials your bank may require to verify your identity over the phone. A security question/answer, a passphrase or a sequence keyed during the call.
KDEC has been horribly buggy on IOS in my experience. Never connecting or showing devices only occasionally.
Power? No idea. Desire? Surely.
Uncontrolled dividing of the most dangerous bacterias known to man? What could go wrong?
I have /var on a different drive with no issue