These the same mfers who say you can’t have road beers.
These the same mfers who say you can’t have road beers.
Inb4 Boston Dynamics rolls out the self-building building.
If I’m plastic I better live forever or something
Probably just be something lame and overused like cancer
Fuck that account. They took a long running internet joke and then tried to claim they started it, all to chase a buck. Charlatans.
Mmmmm Riot. When I want my games with a side of misogyny, softcore porn and diluted game mechanics.
Bro I’m for foreign aid but this is getting insane.
Give me .01 percent of that and I’d be set for life. Where’s the aid for Americans?
Epic doesn’t care about any particular product or service. They are a publishers with aims to become a storefront, but plan to do so by passing off customers and devs and partners.
Jfc the irony in your comment
Treat people like animals for decades, it’s no surprise how they act. Israel is at fault for both sides deaths.
Civilian meat grinder.
They don’t care. They already cut off the water. The Israeli government is hoping to see as many men, women and children dead in the deserts and plains of the region as possible.
Strong move.
The RIAA and MPAA are the driving force behind the copystrike behavior. I do think Alphabet has the resources and standing to resist and battle it in court, but that’s clearly not their business model. Alphabet is not invested in protecting content generators, only in what metrics they can sell to ad agencies.
What an ignorant fucking take. You herd human beings into the largest prison system on earth and keep them there for 60 years, what do you expect to happen?
Israel loves that this happened, because it gives them the blank check they’ve been seeking to make Palestinians extinct.
Friction caused by backwards religious fundies. Got it.
Like Jimmy most of us are wasted as many of our waking hours as possible.
I maintain that Bobby Flay stole my cats name for his pet food brand.
Yeah water is cool. But
She Mt Dew on my Baja til I Blast