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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2024

  • But but but but trumpppppp waaaaaaaah republicans are the bad guys!!! Vote blue no matter who!!! This time we’ll get all the things they’ve promised for FORTY FUCKING YEARS! it will be different this time!!! Everything is the republicans fault waaaaaaaaah

    **Fucking clown. It was a fucking democrat who got rid of single payer. A goddamn fucking industry bought out fucking democrat. But yeah it’s all trumps fault because he was clearly in office back in 2008. Keep losing elections to fascists you liberal fucking clowns. **

  • Cool, democrats have had power on and off for years. I’m 35. 8 years with Clinton, 8 years with obama, 4 years with biden. Nothings changed for the better. Healthcare “access” is fucking bullshit if it doesn’t involve actual care.

    Pay premiums just to not get care. Great system. Thank you JOE LIEBERMAN for single-handedly killing the single payer option. Oh he’s dead? Cool, there will be another spoiler to replace him. Cue Manchin and Sinema. Or the unheard of senate parliamentarian when it comes to raising the minimum wage for the first time since fucking 2009!

  • You haven’t got a fucking clue what you’re talking about. What happened 16 years ago? Obama got elected and brought us a Republican healthcare plan designed by the heritage foundation. Joe Lieberman, a democrat voted against single payer. And if it weren’t him it would of been another democrat spoiler to vote against anything remotely good for the general public. And obamacare is awful, we exist under it currently. Typical to liberalism there was no structural change, it was just a generous handout to insurance companies and a little slap on the wrist that they have to insure everyone. does that mean provide healthcare? NO. it meant rob people with insane premiums and then deny and delay care. 33% of UHC claims got denied. One of their Medicare (dis)advantage plans denied 90% of claims via AI that they knew was faulty.

    Fuck these people they deserve death.

    We don’t have a democratic republic. We have a house of cards that’s falling fast.


    A senator from Connecticut, the insurance capital of the world, became the industry’s go-to guy. Insurers had spent years investing in Sen. Joe Lieberman, a former Democrat-turned-Independent. During the reform debate, the watchdog group Public Campaign Action Fund, (now called EveryVoice), called Lieberman an “insurance puppet,”noting that insurers had contributed nearly half a million dollars to his campaigns over the years.

    The Democrats needed Lieberman’s vote to get reform passed, and insurers knew it. Shortly before the Senate was set to vote on the bill, Lieberman said he would vote for the bill only if the public option was stripped out.

  • Nobody is going after Taylor swift you can calm down. Bill Gates is also an unlikely target.

    Neither of those people bring up rage in people. They’re not murdering people’s families for profit by denying and delaying care.

    You wanna know who killed my father? The healthcare industry. The insurance companies and the rehab facility (physical, not drug, not that it matters) decided to traffic him and hold him hostage so they could collect his insurance money while refusing to provide care and refusing to send him to the hospital when he needed more intense care. These people are fucking ghouls and they deserve the full wrath of the most heavily armed population on earth.

  • It’s not why they have other laws.* We just have vastly different cultural beliefs of what’s important to us. We have positive and negative freedom - for example, we are free to practice whatever religion we want no matter how ridiculous (flying spaghetti monster anyone?) and we are free from religion, as in the state can’t establish it.

    I bring up religion because it’s in the same amendment as free speech, but more importantly from a historical sense, for what it’s worth Europe had centuries of brutal warfare between Catholics and Protestants (which as a non Christian is just crazy to me, y’all believe in almost the same things in general) and our founding puritans were getting persecuted in England for their beliefs. So freedom of thought was the most important thing they sought leaving England to come here, and it’s why it’s our first amendment in our bill of rights.

    *germany with its Holocaust history is an exception. If I went marching around with a sign that says death to Jews I’d be thrown in prison for some time.