The government won’t do anything that annoys China because they’re trying to renew the free trade agreement. The Swiss care a lot about human rights, but not quite as much as they care about their money.
The government won’t do anything that annoys China because they’re trying to renew the free trade agreement. The Swiss care a lot about human rights, but not quite as much as they care about their money.
I call bullshit. Who exactly do you think has fallen for it?
With planes the orange traitor can turn off at will
Ziviluntauglich. Wer nicht Militärdienstfähig ist wird bei uns als “untauglich” klassifiziert, daher der Begriff.
Don’t let them arrogantly misuse the name of the continent for their country my Canadian friend.
I agree!
I am Swiss. Let me tell you, our army is a joke. The system is there but it’s only on paper. The leaders are cowardly bureaucrats stuck in 1975 level thinking. It’s an amassment of stupid people who can’t make it in the private sector. No one with a quarter of a brain can stand being in that organisation.
You mean the USA?
May I introduce you to this fine gentleman?
“Stupid communist units that nobody understands”
The USA has fucked with us before (forced us to implement OECD automated tax data exchange standards, while they themselves have not and still do not, btw), they will fuck with us again. We’re a tiny country, we can’t realistically resist serious pressure from the only superpower.
Fuck putler and fuck his dumb fucking war.
America? I think they actually mean just the USA portion of it.
Ha, that is if you get to keep yours. It’s not looking good.
We can! Lots of great products from America.
It’s only one of 30 countries in America that we need to avoid, the USA
Accompanied by Rafales and Typhoons
It’s abbreviated because there’s like 50 kebab dictators all named “Mohammed Bin Something” and it’s annoying to spell out the whole name to disambiguate them
Fuck them even harder. If the EU won’t do it, nobody will.
Putin didn’t compromise 47 million Americans into voting for fascism.
Nah, he conned them into it. But does the difference matter?
PdA? SolidaritéS? AL?