Indeed. I installed FreshRSS on my local server and haven’t looked back. Man, did I ever miss the web of the google reader era.
Teacher. Math/Sci/Pol nerd. Recovering IT worker. Former owner of clothing not covered in cat hair.
Also @keet
Indeed. I installed FreshRSS on my local server and haven’t looked back. Man, did I ever miss the web of the google reader era.
Foodservice, Food Processing, and Retail NEED mandatory paid sick leave. The fact that they don’t, with the inevitable public health consequence, is gross to say the least. Aside from that note, any corp with as much power as Walmart needs to be broken up and/or unionized, pronto.
Their theology is as bad as their choice of political candidate. I cannot think of any other politician that embodies the “Seven Deadly Sins” in public/private life moreso than Mr. Trump. I honestly do not get how the same “conservatives” used to crow about character being of the highest importance for an officeholder/candidate during the 90s, can get on this godawful bandwagon. I still am a Christian and live my life rather “conservatively”, but if this is what Christianity and Conservatism has become, it is no wonder the next generation is saying “Count me out…”.
Roasted, placed in a freezer, and ready to be ground up later?
If you don’t already have a raspberry pi, get a pi zero W and put dietpi on it. You configure the wireless settings via text file once you etch the SD card. You don’t need a monitor. Personally, I set it up, looked at what DHCP address it had, and told my router to reserve that address. You can ssh into it to install pihole on the headless installation.
Add this to the list of reasons why I’m glad I don’t teach in Florida. I just hope my own red state doesn’t follow suit soon.
I switched for two reasons. First, I don’t like how Microsoft is trying to attach everything to an online microsoft account. I prefer local control of my OS. I know there is a workaround for this, but it isn’t worth the effort.
Second, I am Cheap. My latest hardware is a decade out of date, and linux makes better use of the limited resources that I have.
I kinda think this about the Separatists in Star Wars…Dooku aside…