you underestimate how corrupt, short term and opportunist the markets are I think
you underestimate how corrupt, short term and opportunist the markets are I think
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Lol are you a sovereign citizen or something and don’t recognize the feds?
To play devil’s advocate – Liberalism, or the idea that the people who are ruled should have a say in the rules, started coming about ~500 years ago. The elite’s were all always evil and bad to the masses, enslaving us, paying us very little, even clocks and timekeeping were used to trick workers into more hours and when pocket watches became available, they were just banned in early industry.
A lot of people fought and died to establish the idea of Liberalism all the way up to unions and workers rights. So, in a way, ‘we’ did fight for those things and earned them over a long time. It does kind of feel like now the same ‘we’ has forgotten the value of that stuff and the sacrifice it took to get there.
I still don’t really see this as our fault. We live in gilded age II where money is virtue no matter how its acquired. The internet broke the stable propaganda machines and we’re in flux of stabilizing around the new ones and kicking out the smaller bad actors.
Take a shit on the passbar, screech like an alien in a movie and then just walk out… or at least that was always my fantasy
Wow – I think you’re right this makes a lot of sense
Nothing is worse than other options though like Chic fil a’s mandated “my pleasure”
This always has worked out pretty naturally for me. I do a lot of work travel and events so you do get close and build relationships with people – some can even become friends and I’d not be a fan of some way where you never allow yourself to make friends with people you spend 1/3 of 5/7 days with.
Even the people I’m close with and worked for years with I don’t call them in a crisis or share super personal stuff – Maybe the answer is you don’t depend on them or have them depend on you for anything.
just start rotting corn in your tub
I wish – I can’t really sleep on flights oddly but I can fall asleep instantaneously almost everywhere else.
The sooner I get to my seat the sooner I’m out of the god damned airport and can begin whatever escapism I’ve chosen for the flight. The thing I truly hate is the airport and being in it.
Surely the Viennese don’t claim these? https://www.armour-star.com/vienna-sausages
Vienna sausages
spaces > monitors
portability > exactly what I want
all roads lead to rome :P https://about.att.com/story/att_completes_acquisition_of_nextel_mexico.html
err can’t divide by 0
I’ll take evil shit AT&T does for 2000
to be fair when you commuter travel you rock up like 5 min before gates close and use CLEAR or TSA back in the day was enough