I’m a dev manager… I have 3x4k monitors. I watch server loads, I watch the build pipeline and watch the commit logs etc.
Overkill these days, but I’m also a gamer sooooo…
I’m a dev manager… I have 3x4k monitors. I watch server loads, I watch the build pipeline and watch the commit logs etc.
Overkill these days, but I’m also a gamer sooooo…
It was a problem with early WD green drives IIRC. The power management was exceptionally aggressive and caused massive issues when put in to any RAID-like set up. You could override it though generally.
I manage a web dev team. We try to optimise as much as possible but then there’s all sorts of tracking that gets tacked on by personalisation teams, opti teams, things like Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter/X scripts inserted too… It’s pretty shit. And sometimes when things break it makes it super hard to debug too
First two (as others have mentioned) can be symptoms of Anhedonia
Adding to your list:
Sloe gin sour
Sloe gin fizz
Ocean Lab - Breaking Ties (https://youtu.be/g13nsQaCxbg )
Great breakup song if you want to just let it out
John Farnham - Help (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dv54giOSRKs )
This is a cover of the Beatles song. Very different vibe to the original
Realising now my music tastes are a bit weird…
I have a limited edition cell from the Justice League animated series signed by Bruce Timm. Got it about 15 years ago for about $900AUD, it’s worth about $2000AUD now.
https://www.animationartgallery.com/product-p/wblcc1212.htm (plus I got it shipped with a proper frame and UV perspex etc.)
I just came back to this thread. What did I start?! :)
It’s because he’s wearing a double-breasted suit. Not really in fashion anymore.
(Useless fact for you :))
I actually wanted to look this up. This is an interesting article - https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-evolution-of-alexey-navalnys-nationalism
“He has never apologized for his earliest xenophobic videos or his decision to attend the Russian March. At the same time, he has adopted increasingly left-leaning economic positions and has come out in support of the right to same-sex marriage. This strategy of adopting new positions—without ever explicitly denouncing old ones—is probably the reason the suspicion of ethno-nationalism continues to shadow Navalny.”
I personally don’t have really have opinion either way but was curious.
That’s assuming they won’t still take bribes, ‘benefits’ etc. from other sources. If there was a way to regularly review, audit and enforce those rules I would agree with you but even if they get paid that much there’s no limits to some peoples greed sadly.
I think the idea here is to force them to develop some sort of empathy for what people who work in fast food have to deal with on a day to day basis and learn from it (which should reduce recidivism) as well as some punishment, hence the 30 day jail sentence and 60 days working in the job (or just 90 days in jail).
I’m personally in favour of this. A jail sentence is purely punishment, whereas this feels like a combination of punishment and rehabilitation which is rare but tends to provide better outcomes (this tends to be contentious so I won’t provide links, but please do look it up if you get the chance).
I present Dual_EC_DRBG as a great example of “you can’t trust shit”
But also CPUs and motherboards may be compromised too. Whether it’s by China or the US… It’s a plausible thing. Intel IME and AMD Secure Processor amongst others…
Oh shit, I remember LiteStep and spending hours and hours to just fiddle with how my desktop looked. I personally felt Windows 2000 was the pinnacle of MS OSs (except so many games etc. wouldn’t run because rightly the OS reported it was Windows NT and a lot of games shat themselves at that)
Haha, I remember buying Mandrake Linux CDs… I’m a FreeBSD user these days (for the past 20-odd years) but still run KDE. Plus they’re still trying to remain fairly *nix agnostic which is nice.
In one case I found out they lied to me about why we broke up and the second she became a horrible, vindictive person after we broke up and started spreading lies and rumours about 6 month after we split. Originally both breakups were quite amicable and soured and they didn’t understand that that had quite a lot to do with my decision to 100% no contact.
I don’t think I’m 100% against it now that I think about it further. I just seem to have a history of dating people with an underlying hurtful streak and/or poor empathy…
Yep I second this. I have gone NC with all my exes. Two wanted continued contact but that’s just not me and sometimes people ask me what they’re up to and I can happily respond I have NFI.
The past is the past.
Not quite. I’m pretty sure I have at least one spare floating around. Will take a pic when I get the chance!
There’s a brand (I think it’s a small bakery here) that uses an awesome dual-wire one that I always keep because it is more a ‘clamp/clasp’ clip than a ‘tie/twist wire’ clip
100% My job is to stop the team from feeling all the corporate BS as much as possible. I’m an ex-dev myself so my job is to make sure they’re OK and that thy’re not getting pressure from stakeholders/PMs/POs etc.
A massive amount of tech managers have zero empathy sadly. But I’m the complete opposite. If anyone in my team isn’t doing OK they just need to tell me, whether it’s financial, personal, work-related etc.