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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • I’m a webdev and I mainly work with Vanilla JS, React and PHP - I use phpStorm now. Everything mostly works out of the box, it auto-detects my PHP environment, composer install (which is basically just npm for PHP), nice-to-have features like Stylelint and ESLint are also integrated and enable themselves by default if specific config files are found inside a project folder…it’s just nice. Open a project, see it do all of its magic, start to code.

    Previously I’ve worked with VSCode and I needed a plugin for every single feature and every plugin had its own settings that you needed to be aware of. It was horrible. I was configuring my own IDE more than I was actually writing code. I get that it’s probably more flexible than phpStorm, but I just don’t have time do dig into plugin settings all of the time - and god forbid I work with a project from another developer and he uses a different extension than me for Stylelint or formatting .md files…

  • It’s only a test run done by a few companies, though. I’m a German and having a four day work week is still highly unlikely. Most people work 40h/week or more, from Monday to Friday.

    I’m in the very lucky position to have a 30 hour work week. 3x8,1x6 and Fridays off. None of the people I know work like this, they either simply can’t afford it or they don’t have enough leverage against their employer to make it possible.

    Also, the conservative parties in our political system are actively pushing against it, demanding even more work to compensate for our rapidly aging population and they will be back in office after February. What a time to be alive.