Just wait until Boost comes out…
Just wait until Boost comes out…
Sync or jerboa
Familiarity, that’s about it.
Not sure… but here it is! https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1wHvqQwCYdJrQg4BKlGIVDLksPN0KpOnJWniT6PbZSrI/mobilebasic
I’ve never paid for this app… but that’s a crazy increase!
You can patch boost… still working.
Yep! Seems fine if you want to look at memes, etc… but there’s little to no posts for video games I like, shows… hopefully that will change!
Nope, it doesn’t have the user base… hopefully that changes but for right now, I’m using both.
I bought a refurbished Pixel 5 from Amazon months ago… looks brand new and works great.
Because of this thread, I found out there is an app to download directly from soulseek to your phone! Awesome.
Maybe I should give Mastodon another try… I couldn’t really find anyone to follow.
Cool! I’ll download it and add it to lemmy app folder :)
Haha phew, thanks Mr. CEO! That should cover 1-2 weeks of daycare.