I thought it would be bad but it is supposedly a must try in Guimaras island in the Philippines. Im not a fan of dessert pizzas but this one was surprisingly good.
I thought it would be bad but it is supposedly a must try in Guimaras island in the Philippines. Im not a fan of dessert pizzas but this one was surprisingly good.
been using it since the pandemic and it is all good. i started with xubuntu but had problems with R after an LTS update (in 2020 i think). looked for an easy to install xfce alternative - tried mx linux and havent had a problem since.
i thought at first it was those serious banana faces; but after SubArcticTundra pointed it out, maybe its the art style. serious, old-timey-looking painting with old-men-faced bananas
it has been a while since i read the manga but i think there was a long list of them. there was sand gourd guy for one.
first thing i thought of was Naruto (early chapters).
simply bananas but why do they seem nightmare-inducing to me?
and that is where conflict comes from. some value an imaginary god while others do not. it is idiotic to you, but not to them. again, i was not defending the idea, just the other commenter’s example.
though i disagree with their sentiment, i sort get their example. it is not about practical need, but more of the object’s perceived value. the qran is valuable to its believer as much as food is to the starving. that was not a ridiculous comparison.
last i used it, it became a slow, resource-hogging, ad-riddled, bloated mess.
i first considered this when went to shreds. for a while, i used both organic maps and osmand for my cycling trips. the cleaner interface of organic maps won me over. my main gripe at that time was the absence of a route import function. the dev team added that recently. now, i can import both kml and gpx formats.
now, if there is a way to save the in-app planned routes, that would be a huge help.
thanks for this very exhaustive list. this is the first time ive heard of sewer divers - with no PPE - sounds terrible.
that’s the joke, man. that’s the joke!
my first foray with linux was Xubuntu. transferred to MX Linux since but stayed with xfce. looking into having a go with xfce Debian. so satisfied with this DE, am not even tempted to try others.
thanks, OP. that was such a nice read.
mine is: having dinner with the woman i loved. we sat beside each other and talked the night away. it was punctuated by laughter and every word just seemed right.
reality is we dont talk anymore.
i sort of get them, actually. as a nontech person who shifted to Linux out of necessity, i just wanted it to work.
i dont have to imagine not knowing what a kernel module because i still dont, despite using it for years.
congratulations. i thought that the comment above yours was the worst but you beat it by a mile.
It wasnt. The pizza didnt have time to become soggy, it was gone so fast.