Media in my country keeps reporting there arent enough houses, while failing to report there are 85,000 airbnbs
fuck airbnb
The AP collaborated with Nazi Germany and gave to it access to its photographic archives for its antisemitic Nazi propaganda. AP also cooperated with the Nazi regime through censorship.
huh, thats probably fine
hey look reactionary content from .world! Shocked
Sex work is work.
No. Its straight only passing, because queers know how to iron, and heteronormativity.
I really liked mindistry, like factorio but simpler, i ended up buying the pc version
mostly i play a free Solitaire collection on fdroid so i can play spider solitaire
deleted by creator
Spaghetti, because Im lanky, and annoying to handle when Im cooked
Dating apps have landed me in abusive relationships more often than meeting people organically. Join a community group, meet people, work with them, hike and make art, youll meet people fall in love and get your heart broke, but theres no subscription fee
Australian politicians have been arguing about nuclear energy for decades, and with whats going on now, petty distracting squabbling while state governments are gutting public infrastructure
The most frustrating thing is the antinuclear party is obviously fine with nuclear power, and nuclear armaments, just look at the aukus submarines
labors cries about the dangers to our communities and the environment are obviously disingenuous, or they wouldnt be setting a green light for the billionaire robber barons to continue tearing oil and minerals out of the ground (they promise to restore the land for real-sies this time)
Anyway, a nuclear power plant runs a steam turbine and will never be more than what, 30% efficient?
Imagine being this upset about comments on a largely anonymous forum being deleted, if you care that much you can look in the modlog
Best practice is to use saline and a clean cloth to clean spray off with mechanical force
hexbear is officially anti tankie, I don’t make the rules. RIP
Imagine being mad you can’t understand a pie chart divided into two colours, imagine being mad at a joke. Have we all forgotten this is ! ??
I literally made charts detailing that the majority of responses said they were tankies, and then I provided you the details.
Downvotes are for rule breaking content, not for covering your big feelings.
Sorry its a bit confusing, its not serious though so its not worth stressing over
People who are downvoting this dont like to have fun
I’ve finally started learning to use krita, I’m enjoying it a lot (begrudgingly)
I dont think there’s anyone worth taking seriously who self identifies as a tankie, thanks being earnest though
The Iranian yoghurt is not the issue here