weird grammar to say someone made it up?
There’s a distinction to be made between things that “look” dystopian, and actual dystopias. I think a lot of our current visual language of dystopia was taken from fascist/communist design choices which were in many respects independent of all the oppression they perpetrated. this example really drove that home for me, since the media it inspired came to mind before the reality.
wow, I was assuming metropolis. it just screams dystopia to me, but I guess they had to get that aesthetic from somewhere
on that note, Miyazaki’s filmography. just all of it
Wisconsin cheese curds!
you forgot lutefisk and lefse!
and yet there are still plenty of maniac drivers on the road
well, you certainly live up to your name
you can easily kill people driving. learn to drive. if you think they failed you through no fault of yours, try a different place.
Think of it as transitory bookmarks. It’s something like 20 tabs across 5 different windows for completely different contexts: dev pages in one desktop, work google docs in another, personal email/music/etc in another, gaming in a fourth, social media in a fifth, etc. It means I can easily context switch when I need to without having to dredge the exact things I need out of my own memory.
yeah, so hypothetically, yes, but when I’m running scripts, frequently their memory usage can cause my computer to freeze if I don’t immediately have that memory available. and those are the actual reason I need 64GB, not feeding Firefox’s insatiable hunger for RAM.
it’s not mainly how many but how long. I leave my desktop running for weeks, and there was a while when clearing Firefox’s cache was the main reason I needed to restart. I do leave something like ~100 open at a time.
htop/top are a bit tricky because Firefox spawns a bunch of sub processes, so it’s frequently an undercount; I forget whether htop accounts for that.
it got to the point that I had the OS cap it
came here to say this. though if American slave traders had actually been a unified corporation I’d be pointing at them.
This… isn’t world news… Are we going to have to make anime_tiddies all over again?
UAW wasa fucking shitshow of corruption until a couple of years ago. looks like its back on its feet!