Did you manually add a shutterstock watermark?
Meanwhile I’m still waiting for a chance to get an analogue pocket.
I agree. I use gnome on nix and it has been great, especially on a touchpad.
I thought it was just a fun photo of a cat. It’s not worth being so upset over. Let people have their fun.
Regardless of the number of people involved in this conflict, nuclear escalation could only increase the number of deaths. There is no world in which atomic weapons solve this issue
Yes, although I still love the idea of Davy Jones running around with tiny water buckets strapped to each of his feet.
No, I agree. I liked the decision to not have Davy jones be entirely villainous. Although I did take issue with the inconsistency of the story later on. Like, if Jones can stand in a bucket of sea water to go on land, then can’t he just fill some sealed shoes with water and walk on land? It’s all rather ambiguous.
Agreed. Also, I think it was quite the power move to have a character so evil that they cut out their own heart, then made the actual villain a tiny British man who embodies capitalism.
Somehow nobody has mentioned Pirates of the Caribbean yet, so I will. They’re stupid movies, but they’re also incredibly entertaining, and the special effects (2 + 3 especially) hold up incredibly well.
Yeah, armored mewtwo is one of my favorite designs. The pack also came with a mutated charizard or something.
I have the Armored Mewtwo card, so that’s my favorite, but my first was a requaza I believe.
Have you actually seen the video? It’s mostly about the exaggerated media coverage surrounding the nonexistent NyQuil chicken “trend”
These beef stroganoff memes have been great, and I’m very excited to see lemmy forming its own identity as a platform.
Wow that was a quick mood shift!
I’m not sure what kind of trans people your interacting with, but your negative reaction may have soured your belief of the entire community. The vast, vast majority of trans people just want to live their life without having to feel like worthless outsiders from both their own bodies and fellow people. There is no push to make other people trans. If your not trans your not trans, and that isn’t a bad thing. Being cisgender or transgender doesn’t make someone any more or less valuable as a person, and it certainly doesn’t effect the validity of their opinion.
Answering your question on the inconsistent back button, there are simply too many of them. Sometimes it is the small text link with an arrow in the top left corner, sometimes it is a built in app back button, and sometimes the text version sticks around during navigation for no reason until it is clicked accidentally and throws back to the previous app.
Wow, you weren’t kidding.
Your point is solid, but that level of polish on Apple products is only skin deep. For example, there are several missing features and issues with MacOS that have gone unaddressed for years.
Window edge snapping is incredibly frustrating. Linux desktops and Microsoft Windows have had proper window snapping support for decades.
The app uninstall process is inconsistent, with some apps remaining contained in the .app folder while others spill out all over the system.
The recovery mode process for resetting an Intel-based Mac is incredibly tedious and time consuming.
However, MacOS isn’t the only Apple product with issues.
WatchOS has an inconsistent and difficult to navigate UI. The bubble menu is inconsistent and difficult to navigate, and the list view requires that you sort by alphabetical when a “recently used” sort would be significantly more efficient.
IOS doesn’t allow sideloading apps.
TVOS is filled with ads for Apple’s premium services like AppleTV+
IOS home screen icons cannot have blank space and must instead tile to the top of the screen.
Methods for going back to what was previously onscreen are inconsistent in IOS.
IOS browsers are required to use mobile Safari’s web engine.
However, this isn’t to say that Apple products are bad, simply to remind you that they do have flaws. Based on your wording of “bootleg os’s” I can’t quite tell what your referring to. Windows is the only OS I’m aware of other than MacOS that has heavy advertising, but your phrasing seems to place it in a different category altogether. Although if you are looking for a new OS to try I highly recommend looking into the many Linux distributions available. I recommend Linux Mint to beginners, since it is generally the simplest to use.
Once when I was younger I was seperated from my family on Halloween. I panicked a bit and walked up the street towards where I thought they had gone. Then, I turned left, and came onto yet another street packed with Halloween celebrators. However, nobody was talking. I mean it was silent enough for me to hear my own footsteps and brushing past people in the crowd. For comparison, the other nearby streets were too loud to talk without shouting. I finally found the other members of my group after walking for a solid 5 minutes, and they all seemed to think I had never left.