this rather shows the untestability of the hypothesis. this is no test at all.
this rather shows the untestability of the hypothesis. this is no test at all.
it’s not how human nature works
where is human nature defined?
this is a thought-terminating cliche, not an my argument to be taken seriously
i’m more frustrated that NPOV has been forced into secondary positions behind reliable sources. just because a reliable source has said something does not justify its inclusion in an article where its inclusion would disturb the NPOV.
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given habitat destruction, which is attributed (fairly or no) to agriculture, i was hoping you had some data on the number of species that would exist in a vegan world vs nonvegan.
Their way leads to a world with less biodiversity not more.
can you support this?
cows don’t “naturally” live to 20+ years. they do that artificially, given proper veterinary care, healthy food and water, and protection from predators and the environment.
none of your arguments will hold water with the lived experience of most people. they don’t want to see the disappointment in their grandma’s eyes over something they don’t believe, themselves, to be a just reason for turning down her cooking. they didn’t see a problem with grabbing some food on their way to make the world a better place. your grandstanding is not only ineffective: it comes across as bizarre and unhinged.
I’m blocking you
oh thank god
You don’t argue in any sense of data or fact, just shitty little retorts amounting to nothing more than “no, actually”.
there’s no data you’ve presented to discuss
you’re the worst, most bad faith debater I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to
your accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith
convenience isn’t a valid reason to do wrong
we’ve been over this: most people don’t think it’s wrong.
culture doesn’t permit amoral acts
we’ve been over this.
Plant based food is objectively cheaper
sometimes, for some people.
stick up for what’s right, don’t crumble because it might upset those who are objectively morally incorrect
most people don’t think eating meat is morally wrong.
just because it’s easier doesn’t mean it’s right.
i didnt say it’s right. i said it’s a reason people choose meat.
Culture is not an excuse for doing objectively amoral things.
i think you meant immoral. as it turns out, culture is a great reason to choose amoral actions, and most people think eating meat is amoral.
Any time meat is comparable, this is because of government subsidies.
this doesn’t change the fact that, for some, in some situations, it is a better source of calories-per-dollar
people share goods and culture naturally. the prevailing historical models are cooperative. anticooperative, competitive societies are rare.