Not sure what the MacOS one is, but i use flameshot and im happy with it
I made the icy-nord and icy-nord-darker themes.
Not sure what the MacOS one is, but i use flameshot and im happy with it
Oh, Im sorry. If I’m honest I completely forgot. Here it is:
You will need ffmpeg installed, and I did write it for Linux, so I’m not sure if there are differences for windows. Worst case you need to slightly modify it to work on windows.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import os
import subprocess
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import sys
def download_video_chunks(base_url, output_file):
Downloads video chunks from the given base URL and merges them into a single file.
:param base_url: The URL to the playlist or base directory containing the video chunks.
:param output_file: The name of the output video file (e.g., "output.mp4").
# Get the playlist file (e.g., .m3u8 or .ts index file)
print(f"Fetching playlist or video chunk URLs from: {base_url}", flush=True)
response = requests.get(base_url, timeout=10)
# Parse the playlist to get the chunk URLs
lines = response.text.splitlines()
chunk_urls = [urljoin(base_url, line) for line in lines if line and not line.startswith("#")]
if not chunk_urls:
print("No video chunks found in the provided URL.", flush=True)
# Create a directory for storing chunks
os.makedirs("video_chunks", exist_ok=True)
# Download each chunk
chunk_files = []
for idx, chunk_url in enumerate(chunk_urls):
chunk_file = os.path.join("video_chunks", f"chunk_{idx:04d}.ts")
print(f"Downloading {chunk_url}...", flush=True)
with requests.get(chunk_url, stream=True) as chunk_response:
with open(chunk_file, "wb") as f:
for chunk in chunk_response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
# Merge the chunks into a single file using ffmpeg
print("Merging chunks...", flush=True)
with open("file_list.txt", "w") as f:
for chunk_file in chunk_files:
f.write(f"file '{chunk_file}'\n")["ffmpeg", "-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", "file_list.txt", "-c", "copy", output_file], check=True)
print(f"Video saved as {output_file}", flush=True)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred while downloading: {e}", flush=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"An error occurred while merging: {e}", flush=True)
# Clean up temporary files
if os.path.exists("file_list.txt"):
for chunk_file in chunk_files:
# if os.path.exists("video_chunks"):
# os.rmdir("video_chunks")
if __name__ == "__main__":
base_url = input("Enter the URL of the video playlist or base directory: ")
output_file = input("Enter the output video file name (e.g., output.mp4): ")
print(f"Starting download process for playlist: {base_url}", flush=True)
download_video_chunks(base_url, output_file)
If you guys can recommend a fair and open pastebin alternative for me I will upload it there as well and edit this with the link
I ended up doing that yea. I Also put mine in the bspwm config just in case.
I think i wrote a short python script to do this on another site. Let me get home and see if i can help you out
Then people call me insane for not wanting to make it past 40
I think it might actually be just turning the display off now that you mention it. Here are the xfce4-power-manager settings I have for the display:
Thanks! I just joined and registered on the server. It will be good to have that available :)
Please could you guide me through that? How would I check that its set to e1000? I looked at the xml and and the model type is e1000, but again, I’m not sure im looking in the right place. Up to now I have been rawdogging qemu, so im not that familiar with virt-manager
I considered that, and the reason I decided to go with the method I chose was twofold:
I of course need to be safe - that means I don’t want to run unsafe kernel code on my main machine, so a virtual machine makes sense. I could use one of my old laptops as both a host and target machine, but honestly I have my main machine set up just how I like it for development so I would probably end up using it for writing the actual code anyway. I suppose I could have one of my laptops be the target and pull code from github (exactly what I was planning to do with the virtual machine just with real hardware).
I didn’t want to introduce more problems than would naturally occur when going through the book while learning, by adding the fact that I have a great mismatch in kernel versions, which would undoubtedly change the APIs a great deal. I learn better when I can focus on getting comfortable with one thing at the beginning, and then building from there. If its not as tragic as I imagine it though (the mountain looks larger before you start the climb) I would definitely prefer getting comfortable with the modern kernel as ultimately that’s what I plan to develop on (this all started because I want to fix some stuff with my Genesis Xenon 770 mouse that I’m unhappy with currently).
However, I am open to the idea. Could you direct me to any resources you found helpful specifically for adapting what you read/learn in that book, to the modern kernel? Or any other helpful resources really, anything would be helpful at this point. Discords, forums, wikis, whatever you have :)
I’ve got it set up like that. In my NIC section, under device model, the selected option is e1000e, but still no eth0 interface or anything other than lo and sit0
Edit: unless I misunderstood and that’s not enough to use the e1000 driver
Yea that seems like a good rule to have. Ill start doing that too, thanks
This was it. I got confused because I was using pacman -Q to search for the packages relating to qemu, but actually using yay to uninstall. Running simply pacman -R <package list> uninstalled them all without any dependency issues.
Could you please give me a short explanation of why that would happen when running it with an alias? Thanks!
Eve online for me too. Ill be logging in in a few minutes 😃
As for the social aspect, even though im in one the big alliances, if i just dont feel like it on any particular night then theres no need to be social. I can do my own thing.
Use chapstick
Read a book in public
Not go to gym
Play certain more “feminine” games
Those off the top of my head. I live in a nation of backwards idiots, so there for sure are more
Could someone compile a list of maintainers associated with israeli companies to highlight the hypocrisy of removing russian associated maintainers to comply with international sanctions, when the ICJ has an ongoing case of genocide against israel?
Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but is this something that would be used to achieve the functionality of something like chezmoi? Basically a dotfile manager?
Oh man, this is fairly accurate
Yea, why are Microsoft forums so bad? I have to use them sometimes as I work in IT and all our PCs run windows. Googling often leads me to their forums. The forums rarely lead me to a solution however
Vital sign monitoring system
Usb in something like my finger so i can connect to any pc and use it with my brain
Robotic limbs, mainly because its kind of a dream of mine to create affordable, diy-capable working prosthetics for people who cant afford them, especially if theyre for children/teens who seemingly double in size every half year.