I built mine from scratch to be my estranged father come back into my life again.
Runs decent but ngl there are better options.
I built mine from scratch to be my estranged father come back into my life again.
Runs decent but ngl there are better options.
Your punctuality disturbs me.
You could scan it and that would easily be the fastest way to actually deal with they problem, minified or not.
Even if it’s counted, is it even more dangerous, counted using the same metrics? I have no idea, but it’s not far-fetched that it’s not, at least if we mean American soldiers. Like, it’s way more dangerous to be an Iraqi civilian than an American soldier.
What? lol, no, I just meant that JFK was generally a very good president and the others were largely shit.
Late to reply, but generally Lemmy users are advanced/veteran Reddit users, and advanced Reddit users more or less share a pool of common knowledge based on topics that often come up or were significant, etc. Aspartame is up there with things like fluoride in the water supply in terms of notoriety. Not saying people agree one way or the other, but it should at least be well known that it’s controversial.
Even if the value of money goes up, it’s by a paltry 1-2% and it still wouldn’t seem to make sense to hoard rather than invest, unless I’m missing something. In what scenario would any rich person just sit on their money? Likewise, the impact of 2% deflation on a bank loan is well within the variance in rates we see today, and I imagine in such an economy the rates would be adjusted somewhat to compensate.
Simply put, the difference between an inflating vs deflating currency doesn’t seem enough to drastically alter people’s behavior. In the short to medium term it seems almost a non-issue, at least for regular people, and in the long term people won’t get fucked out of their life savings. I imagine the vast majority of the population doesn’t invest their money. Which policy would they prefer?
Hell if I’m about to let some boojwazi tell me how to spell.
I think he was just explaining what the other person meant. You’re inferring or assuming a subtext of disagreement or antagonism that I’m just not seeing.
I mean, one of those is not like the others. I’ll give you a hint…
It’s JFK. JFK is not like the others.
I will never forgive them for killing the headphone jack—but I at least understand the business model behind it. Samsung’s decision to follow suit likewise makes sense.
As for the other manufacturers who jumped on the bandwagon for no reason other than that they saw the big kids do it—handicapping their devices with what is to many a dealbreaker issue, without offering their own line of wireless earbuds / headphones to capitalize off of—I can feel only pity and disdain.
You’re knowledgeable and capable enough to sign up for Lemmy, but you don’t know aspartame is bad?
What a cringe take.