Thank you, i was hoping there was something official that i had missed.
Thank you, i was hoping there was something official that i had missed.
They ofcouse had one, probably linux, or unix. But that information, about the cluster, is not available.
Where did you find that azure runs on linux? I have been qurious for a while, but google refuse to tell me anything but the old “a variant of hyper-v” or “linux is 60% of the azure worklad” (not what i asked about!)
That must have been a concerted effort. The amount of anti-mozilla posts and comments that totaly permeated everything for a short while, was very suspicious.
Awesone movie. Aliens, terminator 2 and the abyss are just a goldmine of things that became culture backbone.
Agree 100%
When i was a kid, we did not have a tv, for many years. But my uncle did. And he had 2 movies on vhs? Smokey and the bandit. And the sting.
If there was bad weather we siblings and cousins often went there to watch one of those 2. Have probably seen the sting 20-30 times. But i would not be suprised if we saw the bandit a hundred times ;D
What is wrong with your system that requires disabeling updates?
Been running debian stable on a few hundred servers for 25 ish years.
And I always install and enable unattended upgrades. And it have never been a problem. Not even once.
Thanks. Especialy for the graphs. My browser did not like the site!.
Hardly that often there is a kernell update that require a reboot
Was there patching systems and testing they survived the rollover months before it happened.
One software managed the rollover. But failed the year after. They had quickly coded in an explicit exception for 00. But then promptly forgot to fix it properly!.
I think the venn diagram overlap of linux users, and users of adblockers or noscript users that block such tracking is quite large. Must impact the statistic significantly.
Guess the issue is that us big bads are blocked in china. So while ccp can leverage social media to monitor western countries. Western goverments can not leverage western social media to do the same in china.
If you compare with excel or similar. They do not write excel the program. But there is a lot of tinkering with algorithms and functions to get the wanted results.
Goverments (depending on juristiction) have laws requiering isp’s to keep track of cgnat port combos. So not only is there no privacy from ipv4 cgnat. Now the isp must also spend a lot of money on the nat state tracking database.
If you need that kind of privacy, use a vpn and the tor onion network.
I am 50/50 between incompetence. Or so they can keep on charging extra for a static ip.
Other xmpp servers that want to yes. But i have nobody that uses xmpp again.
Hosted my own xmpp server back when you could talk to facebook messenger and google chat users via federation. But when they closed their walled garden there were nobody to talk to so i stopped it.
Now with matrix i have again a homeserver. Bridged to messenger, google what the new thing is called, slack, and a few others.
With the exception of the great split. And the freenode fiasco. IRC have been consistently fantastic for me since i logged on in ~93
I buy it on steam. If it does not work, i refund it.