I love being a seltzer guy. Hop water is pretty good too.
I am an enthusiast of Tech, gaming, food, culture, and all interesting things.
I love being a seltzer guy. Hop water is pretty good too.
It’s really the keyboard activists. You would be surprised.
You can label it as a trendy new tech term, but it is the age old yes-manism that I have watched eat up tech executives and CEOs that I have worked with.
Game mode doesn’t have a browser. I would be interested to find out of the steamdeck sales almost directly correlate to this increase. Not that I am complaining, it’s a great way to use a linux desktop experience. I didn’t really read how these numbers were measured.
The other explanation I could think of is that linux desktop is being adopted widely in India. I don’t think that government’s adopting linux desktop accounts for a significant portion of the machines.
Are steamdecks getting counted in this?
Not really. The imementation of land is most the same, they just run continously on a per word (token) basis.
Yeah, it definitely still has a long way to go. I remember back in 2012 it felt impossible to even do basic 3d modeling, but that was more than 10 years ago.
FreeCAD is a lot more okay than people give it credit for. Perhaps I just remember back to the early days when it was basically unusable.
Pretty sure thats Pripyat.
No one realizes what this is a picture of huh?
I tried to get one since it was 30 bucks, so I’m not too surprised this is how they operated. They are locking down jindles real hard too. Probably going to make a lot of ewaste.
Did it post twice? I think there is a bug somewhere between lemmy clients. I see it happen from time to time.
What are your issues with it? Just curious - I’ve always found it to be an agreeable RHEL variant.
What are your issues with it? Just curious - I’ve always found it to be an agreeable RHEL variant.
Yeah yeah, I do think even like windows 11 these days. I’m a debian with KDE guy.
16 gb optiplexes on sale for 85 dollars on eBay. Dont come with windows, but neither do macs :P
I only read books that I have a physical copy of, or books that are on project Gutenberg. But really, we should seek to make all books free. An unencrypted epub is like 1 MB for like 300 pages usually.
I do wish that there was an open source e-reader that ran Linux. You can already read these things on your phone or on your computer. But I like the dedicated devices for reading.
Someone made an open source one that runs on a microprocessor, and it is a super cool project. But you really need a kernel to run arbitrary code, and gain access to open source e-reader software that gets you compatibility with publishing formats, layouts and fonts.
Getting Linux kernels onto more open source devices is probably a good goal - its still rather hard for a hobbyist to design a devicw that supports Linux.
Remarkable looks cool, but I was talking about a dedicated e-reader. They probably won’t bother because their differentiator is the writing.
There needs to be one that is kindle adjacent, ru s linux, and comes with a ton of selections from project gutenberg, selling a little bit above cost. Thats the only way I could see this working.
Just an open source e-ink device with the build quality of a Kindle. Nothing fancy.
I know, this is a bummer for me too.