Their show was running alongside all the Discovery and History crap about ancient aliens, mermaids, and Bigfoot, so I’m not sure about those first two things.
I’m not sure Intel has the competence to manufacturer backdoors
It’d be cool if Mozilla could just stick with one thing for more than a couple months. Even if that thing is terrible. Right now it’s like some physical embodiment of ADHD is running the company.
Not to defend the mega corporation, but companies file patents for ridiculous things all the time that never end up actually being made or used.
A lot of these scam operations are effectively staffed by slaves.
The last time I looked into HarmonyOS, it was an intentionally vague umbrella name for a family of operating systems and kernels. On phones and tablets, HarmonyOS was a fork of Android 10 (this was when 13 was new). On embedded devices, it was a Linux kernel fork. There were supposedly some unifying features and APIs between them, but the documentation felt very much like Huawei didn’t actually want you to know what HarmonyOS is.
Depending on your email provider, you should be able to set up a filter that automatically marks matching emails as read or archives/deletes them.
I’m pretty sure there’s also a micro USB-A that just never got adopted.
Sometimes 0 still works, sometimes it crashes the system and hangs up.
I’m pretty sure that first one is just Polish
Threads is owned by Facebook, a company notorious for interacting with the web in bad faith.
The EU giveth and the EU taketh away
The instance is a one-way Twitter mirror, but it’s not always very reliable since Twitter keeps making it harder to use Twitter