And? Despite what Trump says, presidents don’t have unilateral power, and members of the president’s party can do and say things different from the president
And? Despite what Trump says, presidents don’t have unilateral power, and members of the president’s party can do and say things different from the president
You know that Kamala isn’t the only Democrat in existence right
If they have the ability to accurately detect/enforce any of that, I’d be way more impressed with their fingerprinting techniques than any of the hardware they’re selling
Does victorinox offer sharpening services? Some knife manufacturers have programs where you can either send your knife in or take it in to a store and have it professionally sharpened.
If your blade is losing its edge quickly, it probably needs to have a new edge put on it with an actual sharpening, v rather than just the touch up it gets from a honing rod.
I just replaced my windshield wipers last night and it was a nightmare. The wipers I got are supposed to be universal, which means the little plastic bit that connects to the wiper arms has a bunch of little sub parts that you’re supposed to remove based on what wiper arm connection your car uses. Well, considering I’m not well versed in modern wiper arm connection standards, and I’m also stubborn and don’t think you should need to dig out your car manual just to change your fucking wipers, coupled with the fact that the instructions that came with the wipers are just 6 wordless diagrams vaguely showing you what bits to remove based on which esoteric wiper style your car uses, I struggled with those sons of bitches for like 20 minutes in below freezing weather.
Hey everyone get a load of this guy with his massive hog
I don’t know a single lick of French but somehow my brain knew this is the intro to Foux Da Fafa, a song I haven’t listened to in over a decade
C’mon man, this is just a textbook fallacious slippery slope argument. Rust isn’t some brand new language whose stable release was less than a year ago, it’s over a decade old now. Scheme and Lisp are interpreted languages for God’s sake, it’s borderline* impossible to use them for kernel programming.
Also I’m pretty sure the whole point of the Rust project that all this drama is centered around is to keep Rust code separate from the kernel. From what I understand the whole point is to maintain Rust bindings to the kernel API as a separate project, so that if developers want to write a driver in Rust, they can without having to rewrite those bindings themselves. But the kernel code itself will still be all C code. Now I’m not a kernel developer, and the last time I wrote a driver was for my operating systems class in university over a decade ago, so take that with a grain of salt.
* I say borderline because anything is possible with code if you’re creative enough, but anyone trying to submit Scheme or Lisp code to the Linux kernel is gonna get laughed off the Internet
You could make it so that food isn’t wrapped in plastic and that wouldn’t make a dent in our plastic use.
Sure, but it might curb how much plastic ends up in our bodies. I have to assume that food wrapped in plastic has a greater impact in that regard than LEDs.
Damn, I’m all out of skeptical-colored crayons, closest I have is incorrect-colored ones. Hope that’s ok
I feel like creating headlines is sort of what the Democratic party needs right now though. They just lost what should be a slam dunk election largely because a bunch of people just didn’t show up. Flashy headlines probably make at least some of those people show up.
IDK why you’re being downvoted, you’re totally right. For this to be closer to a fair comparison, we’d need to know the averages for both countries over the same time period.
Let’s make the last 40 years our time window. China has dropped zero bombs in that period, making their average zero bombs dropped per day.
Now for the US, they’ve certainly dropped some bombs in the last 40 years. So that would make their average… Greater than zero bombs dropped per day… Oh…
Thanks for the advice! That kinda tracks with other reviews and things that have been holding me back, that thermal management is a bit of a pain. I’ll keep an eye on the 3 though
How do you like your flair? I’ve been considering getting one for a while now but haven’t been able to pull the trigger yet
What is it with people trying to turn the entirety of October, November, and December into Christmas?
It’s one single night, it’s not a season. Is this the Americans trying to push it on us to increase our capitalist consumption or something? I see it a LOT these past few years.
What’s next, celebrating other holidays in the actual month that they fall in?
I can easily get 500 megawatts with a few power towers burning rocket fuel, plus I don’t have to worry about the logistics of recycling uranium and plutonium waste.
I’m unrelated news, the Satisfactory 1.0 update is pretty great. What are we talking about again? Oh sorry gotta go build another heavy modular frames factory
I cook rice without a rice cooker all the time, and some of the tips you’re getting seem dubious to me. Rice is pretty forgiving though, so maybe those recipes work, but I do it a bit different.
I treat all species of rice exactly the same, and they all come out perfect. Short/medium grain rice comes out just sticky enough so you can grab chunks of it with chopsticks, long grain rice comes out beautifully fluffy, no stickage, with all the grains nicely separated.
I use a 1:1 rice to water ratio, plus an extra quarter cup of water. That bit is important - the extra quarter cup is what evaporates off and escapes as it boils/simmers, the rest is absorbed into the rice. Doesn’t matter if I’m cooking one cup of rice or ten, I use an equal amount of water plus a quarter cup.
I bring the water to a boil first, then dump the rice in. Wash it or don’t - I usually don’t, and the difference is slight. Once the rice is in, I turn it down to a simmer, put a kitchen towel over the pot, then squish the lid down over the towel, onto the pot. The towel helps make a better seal to trap more of the steam, but without the danger of making a pressure bomb. The towel also prevents condensation from collecting on the lid and dripping into the rice, which can make it soggy towards the end of the cook. I simmer it for 20 minutes, turn off the heat, then let it rest for another 20, with the lid still on. Leave the lid on until after it’s rested, or else some steam will escape and your rice might end up “al dente”. Once it’s rested, take the lid off and stir it to fluff it up a bit, and you’re golden.
I’ve been making it that way for years with several different kinds of rice, and it’s worked like a charm for all of em.
Yeah after rereading my comment it’s not super clear, but I’m not trying to endorse ChatGPT/OpenAI. I agree that AI is a pretty terrible solution for the use case of “search engine with a built in AutoTldrBot”, because of all the reasons you mention. I was just trying to point out that it’s being marketed as a replacement for actual software developers, and that’s very very very far from reality at the moment.
Yeah I feel like once people realize AI chatbots like ChatGPT are largely just search engines with AutoTldrBot built in, they’ll be better at using them. ChatGPT is great for bouncing ideas off of or rubber-ducking through a solution. But just like with StackOverflow answers, you as the developer need to be able to recognize when ChatGPT is just spouting garbage, when it’s getting you close to the answer, what adjustments you need to make to make its answers work for your situation, etc. In it’s current state, it will never just magically hand you a fully developed, robust, well-integrated, complete solution though, as much as tech CEOs want it to.
This is how American politics has worked for hundreds of years. Yes, the president (really the executive branch) holds a lot of power. So do the other two branches of government. One branch can’t really do anything without working with the other two, which means that compromise is a frequent theme throughout the history of American politics.