People at Bonn protesting against Nazi cunts singing Ode to Joy

    71 year ago

    They want mass deportations of German Citizens with the wrong skin colour and People who don’t think like them That’s textbook fascism. Also either they compete for Jobs with us (Good, we have a shortage of workers as Germany is overaging), or they siphon of tax money. You need to decide which scapegoat you use

      1 year ago

      It doesn’t matter if it is fascism. That’s the whole point. The left is refusing to admit that their policies are having a negative impact on people and they’re embracing fascism because at least those people are agreeing that it is a problem.

      Western nations are playing the “we have no workers” game after decades of stagnant birth rates because people have no money. Not because people just suddenly decided they don’t want a family. Parroting this is just more of the same lies that people are sick of hearing.

      The government can use policies to boost birth rates domestically and it should be doing so sooner rather than later if they are sincere. Instead, they are keeping the youth impoverished, and telling them the solution to their problems is immigrants. Not only that but then they try to play on their sympathies saying they’re “asylum seekers” when those SAME governments are the ones making them refugees by destroying their countries. How does it make sense to blow up Syria, try to topple the government, and then welcome in their “refugees”? That is extremely paradoxical and I don’t think you’ll find any historical precedent for welcoming in the very people you’re dropping bombs on. It’s obvious those people are extremely resentful and have no interest in assimilating and that is exactly what the evidence supports. Using Germany as an example it would be like welcoming in Russian immigrants while at the same time you’re doing all you can to kill Russians and destroy their infrastructure. Where are all the Russian asylum seekers and refugees being ferried into Germany by international organizations? Why is it just hand picked countries this is being done in? Because it’s all a sham and the left refuses to admit what is obvious.

      Immigrants can both take work AND siphon tax money. It is propaganda, which is used often, to try to say “they’re saying X but Y so which is it? They can’t both be true!” Actually, yes, they can both be true. Bringing in foreigners to work for dirt cheap and live in subsidized housing is exactly that and it’s the kind of thing people are sick of seeing. Meanwhile, where are the politicians working on raising western birth rates?

      Have any politicians proposed sweeping reforms to child tax credits? Are they working hard to fix the housing situation for young people so they can have the actual space to house a family? No. They aren’t. They’re working as hard as they can to blow up other countries, bring those populations in, pay them nothing, use tax money to support the corporations, and tell everyone that if anyone resists them it’s because they’re racist fascists.

      So, people are deciding, well I guess I’m a racist fascist because that is the only avenue I’m being given. Certainly the left isn’t interested in addressing any of the problems they’re creating they just call you a racist if you talk about the out of control rape and other issues.

      There WILL be a fascist take over and dumb people ignoring legitimate concerns of the general populace and labeling them fascist will be the cause of it. You’re building those fascist parties up every day when you keep parroting propaganda and ignoring what is obvious to the average person. They will flock to whoever will promise a solution even if it’s ethnic cleansing. To me it seems entirely manufactured and that this is the desired conclusion.

      Western populations are so exploited they won’t even reproduce anymore due to lack of resources. Their own government is telling them not to worry that they have no chance of having a family. Don’t worry because there are some other people who have been horribly exploited in places like Africa and the Middle East who we can bring it to replace you. If you think this is a problem it’s because you’re racist.

      The left is literally the dumbest most propagandized people I’ve ever seen that they go along with this. You have to either be incredibly stupid or incredibly evil to keep parroting stuff like “we need more people” in response to the government fucking everyone, literally everyone on the whole planet, for the sake of further concentration of power and wealth. Imagine seeing this and going along with it while pretending you’re fighting fascism.