do you know that minecraft mod that autosorts your inventory? is there are project that can autosort a messy file system and put all of your files of a similar nature into a well organised, well named order. obviously this would require ai that could do image, language, and audio recognition but is there anything in the works? i can imagine this would speed up distrohopping by 10x. ai powered file management

    1 year ago

    Such AI can be coded in <100 lines shell script. One of simplest implementations:

    find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -d $'\0' f; do 
      type=$(file --mime-type --brief -- "$f")
      mkdir -p "$type"
      mv -- "$f" "${type}/"
    • haui
      31 year ago

      Thats pretty much how I‘d do it. Now I need to sort through a decade of old backups and deduplicate them. Also need to distinguish between „loose“ files and program/website structures which usually have different file types inside. Probably need to auto archive them into tar.gz or something.