An abandoned mine in Finland is set to be transformed into a giant battery to store renewable energy during periods of excess production.
The Pyhäsalmi Mine, roughly 450 kilometres north of Helsinki, is Europe’s deepest zinc and copper mine and holds the potential to store up to 2 MW of energy within its 1,400-metre-deep shafts.
The disused mine will be fitted with a gravity battery, which uses excess energy from renewable sources like solar and wind in order to lift a heavy weight. During periods of low production, the weight is released and used to power a turbine as it drops.
Sounds like a double win, not a double whammy
Oh interesting, I can see how whammy could be considered negative, but I’ve always heard it used in a positive way.
Huh, definitionally it’s always a bad thing, i wonder why people around you use it that way
Even from your link there’s someone using it in a positive way so clearly not mate lol.
Where, quote it for me. I looked in 5 separate dictionaries, they all say it’s a negative thing.
“How to use Whammy in a sentence” 5th one down is “I love being able to sing for my job and its my passion to so it’s a double whammy”
Edit: funnily enough, keep scrolling and you have the British dictionary definition and let’s face it you are speaking English. There it directly says, “something which has great, often negative, impact”
So right there in your link, it’s not always negative.
It was definitely a bad thing in “Press Your Luck”, the game show where the term was coined. The “Whammy” was a little monster who took all your money.