• KillingTimeItself
      01 year ago

      for starters. The fact that i had to google it to figure out what it was. Let alone randomly discover that it exists in a tangentially related search. It is an ASTRONOMICALLY inaccessible feature to someone who isn’t readily invested into android.

      secondarily, it should be done in the gallery, obviously. That just MAKES sense. The place where you are shown pictures, should also be the place where it lets you ignore more pictures. If you want to use .nomedia as a backend for that? Fine, Document it at atleast.

      It’s also just, weird… The gallery app only seems to consider a few folders existing at any state. Some better than others, i have no idea what drives the logic behind it. But you can nest them, super easily, which definitely won’t cause any issues. If you have a single folder you do want to show, but 9 that you don’t, you need 9 no media files, because that’s convenient apparently.

      I mean really any other system would’ve been better, a directory list, a file table, a database, literally anything that lets you mark it interactively. Having a single HIDDEN file, determine the state of an entirely independent app is just next level hackery. You really shouldn’t ever do that. It’s just fundamentally bad design philosophy. It’d be like a lightswitch on the opposite side of your home, preventing your garage door from opening.

        • KillingTimeItself
          01 year ago

          .gitignore would be application specific though? In that case you have a semi reasonable usage case, because it’s obviously going to be documented, and it’s not like it interferes with too much else.

      • BreakDecks
        01 year ago

        It’s wild to me that everyone here talking about how much Android sucks is just airing greivances about the stock apps from Google/Samsung/etc.

        The gallery app is not part of Android. The file manager is not part of Android. pretty much every app that came preinstalled on your phone is not part of the OS.

        You don’t hate Android, you hate the bloatware that came on your phone.

        • KillingTimeItself
          01 year ago

          yet another big problem with android. Why does every OEM have their own flavor that is equally shit.

          Im sure people will tell me to just root it or use different software, my brother in christ i want you to ship me a phone that i can fucking use, not one that i have to sterilize and give amnesia. Linux has been doing this for a million years, why can’t android?

          • Alto
            01 year ago

            You’re more than welcome to buy one of the many phones that comes with stock android without added bloat

            • KillingTimeItself
              01 year ago

              “android is better than ios”

              “hey im on android and it sucks”

              “you’re using the wrong android you dumbass”

              • Alto
                01 year ago

                Wow it’s almost as if when there’s a term that actually covers multiple different operating systems, there’s going to be variations in quality between them! Imagine that!

                E: sp

                • KillingTimeItself
                  01 year ago

                  doesnt make it any better, i would know, I’m a linux user.

                  If you don’t like debian, great, don’t use it, install something else? Don’t like arch? Great install something else. Dont like arch or debian? There are still more options.

                  Dont like KDE? Thats fine, theres, mate, cinnamon, LXDE, LXQT, XFCE, etc…

                  Dont like DEs? Great, there are WM’s, i3, sway, awesome, bspwm, dwm, etc…

                  ALL of those are free. All of them are interchangeable, there is no right or wrong way to use linux.

                  yet if i buy an android phone from one of the most prominent android phone manufacturers NONE of that applies. And actually i’ve just wasted all my money, and actually i simply shouldn’t have been an “idiot” and bought something that was actually good, like any number of other admittedly bad phone brands.

                  Android itself allowing forks for manufacturers was a complete mistake, and never should’ve happened. My complaint here is that we should be doing better. Being told to simply “buy another phone” is a non solution, and makes you look entitled and pretentious.

                  I was told by nobody that linux is great, and that i should switch to it, and i switched to it and it was great. I was told by practically every android user ever since the invention of android that its better than IOS and that i should switch to it. And yet it’s somehow worse than linux. I would genuinely rather use linux on my phone.

    • Howdy
      1 year ago

      Latest example I ran into is on android TV you cannot change your dns settings in wifi config. On regular android you can. I had to spend a couple hours fiddling with my routers networking (I was doing some weird routing for a specific network that android TV is on with a VPN tun only for that network). And if it just had the ability to change the dns settings to a static value I wouldn’t of had to do that. Why would they do that?