Meme transcription:

Panel 1: Smooth Spongebob extending his hand friendlily to greet someone. Caption: “Your skills when picking up a game after a 6 month break”

Panel 2: Jagged-up Spongebob standing in a ring, angrily looking at his opponent. Caption: “The boss you didn’t want to beat last time”

  • TheHarpyEagle
    01 year ago

    I stopped playing Elden Ring after getting my ass kicked by Malenia one too many times, and that was coming off of playing Dead Souls and Demons Souls as well. There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to jump back into that game.

    • andrew
      01 year ago

      I kinda lucked out with my build up until the final boss and I’ve gone back once to try again after like a year. It was a slaughter. Couldn’t even get a couple hits on Radagon.