Meme transcription:
Panel 1: Smooth Spongebob extending his hand friendlily to greet someone. Caption: “Your skills when picking up a game after a 6 month break”
Panel 2: Jagged-up Spongebob standing in a ring, angrily looking at his opponent. Caption: “The boss you didn’t want to beat last time”
This happened to me in Hollow Knight. I was pretty deep into it and IDK why but I dropped it for a bit. After like 6 months I went back and I could not remember where the hell I was going, any of the mechanics, and every generic enemy was murdering me bad. I really should give that game another try lol I was going to just wait for silksong and play that but… Yeah :'(
Man, I want to get back into this game, I never beat it either. But some of the boss battles are like intricate dances. Don’t even get me started on the path of pain.
You should definitely play it through! It does not let you down. One of my favorite games!!
Funny enough I forgot that I dropped Hollow Knight at the final boss. A second stage that drops a whole new set of double damage attacks to learn to avoid was too much for me.
I stopped at the Watcher Knights for the same reason I stopped in Elden Ring. I can only get my butt kicked handily so many times before the rest of my Steam backlog starts to look a lot more appealing.