Mangohud works really great for this inside a game, but outside of that I am not sure what to turn to check temps at idle.

I would prefer a GUI tool (QT since I am on Plasma), but I am also comfortable with the terminal. What are you all using?

  • millionOP
    11 year ago

    Are these dashboard exportable / importable at all? If so can you share you config files?

    • MentalEdge
      21 year ago

      They are, though the sensors are hardware specific. So while I could export and send you this particular page, it likely won’t show any temps and fan rpms, as the associated hardware wouldn’t be there.

      A lot of stuff does work though, like the application list and network graphs, so I could export it for you tomorrow if you like.

      Or I could just explain more about how to configure it, it’s really not that complicated. For a display item, you basically just need to pick a display mode (line graph is good for temps) and then add what sensors you want displayed in it. Everything else is just visual tweaks you don’t have to touch.