Raising a child costs between $13k[2] and $35k[1] per year in the USA – depending on where you live and who you ask.
With a minimum wage job ($7.25/hr) you need to work about 5 to 13 hours per day to make that much – before taxes.
[1] https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/cost-raise-child-2023
[2] https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090415/cost-raising-child-america.asp
It’s fascinating that this isn’t something that is always thrown back in the so called “pro life” person’s face. They’re only pro birth. They don’t care if the baby that comes out is fed, clothed, housed, eventually educated, etc. Or at least, they don’t believe there’s any collective responsibility to take care of that baby.
That’s a strawman. We do.
You do. But not the politicians who actually get it into law. Also who has decided you are the spokesperson of the pro life movement?
The problem is there is a completely different perspective here. I dont want politicians to give people things like welfare not because I hate people, but because I think it turns them into dependents, and I think it actively harms them.
I agree that incorrect administration of welfare can lead to that. But thats also the politicians job to manage.
Thats also comparable to saying I don’t visit doctors I fear a mistreatment.
Its too big or a job for a politian to manage, it has to be run well at the street level.
Going to the doctor is a bad analogy, it would be more apt to compare it to someone taking pain medication because their back hurts, and they get hooked on the pain pills, but the reason their back hurts is because they are morbidly obese. We need to go after the problem, not enable the problem.
That is true we need to fix the problem. So in your analogy you would’ve stopped giving the person pain medication?
And how is the person crippled by pain supposed to stand, walk or excercise without pain medication?
I get it addition to pain medication is bad. I would assume most people know that, even those addicted. But the alternative is those people succumbing to pain, which would prevent any improvments.
Hence, yes I agree. Just throwing around money is not going to be the solution, but so is also not giving any.
Sorry, if you are not able to apply that analogy, I dont care to re explain every scenerio.
It is. They don’t care because they’re arguing in bad faith to begin with. They don’t care about children. They never did. This was about identity politics and concern trolling.
They proved this by immediately jumping to “trans panic” the instant roe was overruled by the illegitimate scotus who apparently forgot the 9th and 14th amendments even existed but they sure remembered “tradition & history”