america and the west are the fascist empire, as they are the ones who support the banderites in the ukraine, as well as the genocidal occupation of palestine, not to speak of all the neocolonialism in the global south in general. every violence against them is self defense.
You could end this war. You, personally. All you need to do is kill your masters.
Maybe you wouldn’t survive, but you would deal such a blow to global fascism, and, perhaps, inspire similar acts in the american empire.
I know the thought of death is terrifying, but you’ll probably be drafted soon anyway, and die in the mud, fighting for some incomprehensible exterminationist bullshit.
damn bro, its really funny when a fascist like you tries to adapt radical rhetoric… the west and their banderite puppets are the only ones trying to exterminate other peoples, something anglos have been doing since their very conception btw. i also would have liked to ask you to kill your masters, but considering how propagandized you are, it would already be a net positive if you would simply cease to breathe.
Hell, if youre good and you’ve got friends, you might even survive. But even if you don’t, there’s this movie they made that was a really lush retelling of the ‘green knight’ legend. Worth a watch, you know?
Wow. You really are just mask-off Russian government propaganda, aren’t you? There’s this thing called nuance and only the most vile of people refuse to see it. This “west bad, kys” nonsense isn’t just stupid, it’s boring. Go back to the drawing board and try again.
We see here for example the evolution of public opinion in regards to China. In 2019, the ‘Uyghur genocide’ was broken by the media (Buzzfeed, of all outlets). In this story, we saw the machine I described up until now move in real time. Suddenly, newspapers, TV, websites were all flooded with stories about the ‘genocide’, all day, every day. People whom we’d never heard of before were brought in as experts — Adrian Zenz, to name just one; a man who does not even speak a word of Chinese.
Organizations were suddenly becoming very active and important. The World Uyghur Congress, a very serious-sounding NGO, is actually an NED Front operating out of Germany […]. From their official website, they declare themselves to be the sole legitimate representative of all Uyghurs — presumably not having asked Uyghurs in Xinjiang what they thought about that.
The WUC also has ties to the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary group in Turkey, through the father of their founder, Isa Yusuf Alptekin.
Documents came out from NGOs to further legitimize the media reporting. This is how a report from the very professional-sounding China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) came to exist. They claimed ‘up to 1.3 million’ Uyghurs were imprisoned in camps. What they didn’t say was how they got this number: they interviewed a total of 10 people from rural Xinjiang and asked them to estimate how many people might have been taken away. They then extrapolated the guesstimates they got and arrived at the 1.3 million figure.
Sanctions were enacted against China — Xinjiang cotton for example had trouble finding buyers after Western companies were pressured into boycotting it. Instead of helping fight against the purported genocide, this act actually made life more difficult for the people of Xinjiang who depend on this trade for their livelihood (as we all do depend on our skills to make a livelihood).
Any attempt China made to defend itself was met with more suspicion. They invited a UN delegation which was blocked by the US. The delegation eventually made it there, but three years later. The Arab League also visited Xinjiang and actually commended China on their policies — aimed at reducing terrorism through education and social integration, not through bombing like we tend to do in the West.
I’m not with the other guy, but America is a neoliberal imperial empire. They have had multiple colonial territories that they’ve prevented from both independence and statehood, and are involved in the politics, economies, and militaries of countries all over the world where we use our weight to get more favorable terms for ourselves and dictate the course of that nation/state/country’s history. We constantly exploit various areas for the resources they provide with indifference to the effect of local people. We are one of the pinnacles of this style of technocratic, neofeudalist, neocolonial, imperial, plutocratic government. I’m not going to comment on fascism but it’s not exactly difficult to showcase both contemporaneously and historiographically that the United States has a bit of a fascism issue.
IMO there’s no point in arguing with entrenched NATO stans, deep in the weeds of two-day old posts. They’re irredeemable and no one else is ever going to see this. Nobody’s going to look in their feed’s back-catalog and click on “more replies →”.
Oh yes, your “three-day special military operation” that’s been going on for, what, three, four years now? You have no business calling other people brainwashed.
Ah, I didnt know we could invent shit. Let me try, you cheered when russia downed a plane full of civilians faking an assassination attempt to putin in the ukrainian border… wait, that happened… (well, idk if you cheered, that would be too much)
Yeah, I’m not clicking on sketchy websites that come from Russian-State owned media who clearly have no bias in regards to the war they started.
I’m sorry the “fascist West” decided to sanction Russia for their numerous crimes in history, and considering the facts that Russia has sent spies to kill numerous people on foreign soils because they had the audacity to criticize Der Putin, who himself only rose to power by bombing apartment blocks of his own people, maybe you should read sources that, idk, come from less biased organizations?
But what do I know, I just stand with Ukraine’s right to defend their country against bullshit wars that the Russian government can’t seem to win. Maybe when one of those “fascist West” countries, like Sweden or Finland or even France, claim the Russians didn’t shoot down that plane, I’ll believe them. But I wouldn’t wipe my ass with anything the Russian state wants the world to believe.
Russian doesn’t have articles, but a lot of languages do. It’s difficult enough for us non English speakers to have to write and read in a language we barely have active contact with. As founded your opinion over this tankie is, let this mild grammatic mistakes slide.
Did you read the comment I responded to? Calling the West fascist, and using the pro-Russian “the Ukraine” phrase?
Their OP comment was left alone because it stayed true to the meme (and I have no qualms acknowledging the sacrifices and victories the Soviets accomplished during the second world war), but they then took the comment chain off-topic.
Idk what to tell you, mate, if this was supposes to stay on topic about “testosterone-poisoned ‘history enthusiasts’” maybe go tell that to the person who initially took it off the rails.
Was any of this directed at you? Were you called out by name?
If you don’t like how I interact with other users, don’t read my comments. Like, fuck off dude, we’re not here to behave or react however you feel we should.
Jaysus fucking Christ, didn’t realize we had the fucking comment bobbies to dictate how we speak and feel.
america and the west are the fascist empire, as they are the ones who support the banderites in the ukraine, as well as the genocidal occupation of palestine, not to speak of all the neocolonialism in the global south in general. every violence against them is self defense.
You could end this war. You, personally. All you need to do is kill your masters.
Maybe you wouldn’t survive, but you would deal such a blow to global fascism, and, perhaps, inspire similar acts in the american empire.
I know the thought of death is terrifying, but you’ll probably be drafted soon anyway, and die in the mud, fighting for some incomprehensible exterminationist bullshit.
Wouldn’t you rather die doing some good?
damn bro, its really funny when a fascist like you tries to adapt radical rhetoric… the west and their banderite puppets are the only ones trying to exterminate other peoples, something anglos have been doing since their very conception btw. i also would have liked to ask you to kill your masters, but considering how propagandized you are, it would already be a net positive if you would simply cease to breathe.
Try believing in something. It helps.
Do the right thing.
Hell, if youre good and you’ve got friends, you might even survive. But even if you don’t, there’s this movie they made that was a really lush retelling of the ‘green knight’ legend. Worth a watch, you know?
i do believe in things. it just happens to not be your fascism.
Would make it easier to kill your masters if you did. Theres still time. Think of it like a kind of redemption. You know I’m right about this.
look mate, your bait aint working. try something better.
Wow. You really are just mask-off Russian government propaganda, aren’t you? There’s this thing called nuance and only the most vile of people refuse to see it. This “west bad, kys” nonsense isn’t just stupid, it’s boring. Go back to the drawing board and try again.
Removed by mod
nobody was talking about war crimes, why are westerners so fond of them? also, where tf was china supposedly killing civilians?
In our Reddit feeds.
They’re called Uyghurs. You’d know that if you got your news from somewhere besides Hexbear.
And I have news for you. The US’s “Uyghur genocide” disinformation campaign has already been debunked several times over.
I’m not with the other guy, but America is a neoliberal imperial empire. They have had multiple colonial territories that they’ve prevented from both independence and statehood, and are involved in the politics, economies, and militaries of countries all over the world where we use our weight to get more favorable terms for ourselves and dictate the course of that nation/state/country’s history. We constantly exploit various areas for the resources they provide with indifference to the effect of local people. We are one of the pinnacles of this style of technocratic, neofeudalist, neocolonial, imperial, plutocratic government. I’m not going to comment on fascism but it’s not exactly difficult to showcase both contemporaneously and historiographically that the United States has a bit of a fascism issue.
I dare you to say that to the face of Ukrainian women and children being kidnapped and raped by Russian soldiers.
you are the one who cheered on the mass murder and rape of russian civilians by azov fascists since 2014.
And the Russian fascists, like your leader? They’re just fine, right?
You know it would be so easy to kill some of them. You’re right there. Can you get a gun?
afaik navalny is luckily not the leader of russia.
Dude they’re all Nazis. Almost like Russia has some sort of problem…
I doubt they’re all Nazis, I only know about Navalny.
And I know about the founder of the fascist National Bolshevik party, Aleksandr Dugin, who some Lemmitor falsely claimed was Putin’s “right-hand man” the other day.
true, a problem that is currently being delt with through the smo.
IMO there’s no point in arguing with entrenched NATO stans, deep in the weeds of two-day old posts. They’re irredeemable and no one else is ever going to see this. Nobody’s going to look in their feed’s back-catalog and click on “more replies →”.
Oh yes, your “three-day special military operation” that’s been going on for, what, three, four years now? You have no business calling other people brainwashed.
Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: genocidal bullshit Russian troll.
thx mate! ♥️
Ah, I didnt know we could invent shit. Let me try, you cheered when russia downed a plane full of civilians faking an assassination attempt to putin in the ukrainian border… wait, that happened… (well, idk if you cheered, that would be too much)
the plane youre talking about was downed by ukronazis, something the entire world except for the west knows.
The entire world except for the west? I remember that russia said it wasn’t them, but were there other governments that said that too? /gen
Got a source on that, comrade?
all my sources are in russian, sory. 1 2 3 5
So, “the entire world except the west” is just russia now? Even for a troll, this is really sad.
Yeah, I’m not clicking on sketchy websites that come from Russian-State owned media who clearly have no bias in regards to the war they started.
I’m sorry the “fascist West” decided to sanction Russia for their numerous crimes in history, and considering the facts that Russia has sent spies to kill numerous people on foreign soils because they had the audacity to criticize Der Putin, who himself only rose to power by bombing apartment blocks of his own people, maybe you should read sources that, idk, come from less biased organizations?
But what do I know, I just stand with Ukraine’s right to defend their country against bullshit wars that the Russian government can’t seem to win. Maybe when one of those “fascist West” countries, like Sweden or Finland or even France, claim the Russians didn’t shoot down that plane, I’ll believe them. But I wouldn’t wipe my ass with anything the Russian state wants the world to believe.
It’s just Ukraine, you Russian shill.
Slava Ukraini!
Russian doesn’t have articles, but a lot of languages do. It’s difficult enough for us non English speakers to have to write and read in a language we barely have active contact with. As founded your opinion over this tankie is, let this mild grammatic mistakes slide.
They referred to the entire West as fascist… I highly doubt it was a “mild grammatical mistake.”
I was just issuing the “the Ukraine” thing
Jaysus can ye not just slag adolescent boys for their stupid history?
Do ye have to make everyfuckingthing about your same talking points?
The meme is making fun of testosterone-poisoned ‘history enthusiasts’, just make fun of them why you gotsa start your flame wars about ‘muh West’
Ah, another Russian bot, got it.
Did you read the comment I responded to? Calling the West fascist, and using the pro-Russian “the Ukraine” phrase?
Their OP comment was left alone because it stayed true to the meme (and I have no qualms acknowledging the sacrifices and victories the Soviets accomplished during the second world war), but they then took the comment chain off-topic.
Idk what to tell you, mate, if this was supposes to stay on topic about “testosterone-poisoned ‘history enthusiasts’” maybe go tell that to the person who initially took it off the rails.
Slava Ukraini!
Jaysus just have a laugh at the tankies stop being such a pain in the hole.
You people only have one thing to say I swear to god
Was any of this directed at you? Were you called out by name?
If you don’t like how I interact with other users, don’t read my comments. Like, fuck off dude, we’re not here to behave or react however you feel we should.
Jaysus fucking Christ, didn’t realize we had the fucking comment bobbies to dictate how we speak and feel.
Haha oh my goodness
Love it though. Like, its coming from an idiot, but it is a fun image.