With completely wireless earbuds, the rule is: when the battery fails, they have to be disposed of. Not so with the Fairbuds, that allow you to replace batteries in just a few seconds. Combined with a repairable design, the earbuds should therefore have an extremely long lifetime.
I’d much prefer a 3.5mm jack
You’re being downvoted, but yours is a legitimate request.
There are a plethora of cable earphones.
I don’t understand why people complain about wireless.
You’re not the target demographic.
Exactly, wired headphones are everywhere.
My wireless earbuds were such a game changer I’ll never go back, I don’t know why so much hate.
The audio quality is still far inferior to hardline, though Bluetooth audio standards have greatly over the past recent years.
The “demographic” of human being who doesn’t want to wreck the planet if Fairphone’s target.
If Fairphone is not trying to be universal anymore you should see that as a problem. So should every fairphone customer.
I’ll buy a more sustainable phone than the fairphone when my phone loses support in 2027. I’ll encourage everyone to buy a more sustainable product today.
Seriously, people act like there aren’t solutions to that “problem” that aren’t basically identically inconvenient to how it was before you needed an inline usb c to 3.5 mm adapter.
The adapter IS the inconvenience.
Disagree. The 3.5 mm jack that takes up space in my pocket that is unused 100% of the time is the inconvenience. You want a jack. You can have one. You get to have the inconvenience that goes along with it.
Just because you don’t find yourself needing a given port doesn’t mean no one should have one.
My USB c port broke from being cycled too many times with a stupid headphone dongle, and now I can’t charge it with a cable OR use my god damn headphones. I like my headphones, its obnoxious that I can’t just plug them into the device I want to listen to. I get it’s not relevant to you but it is relevant to many other people which is why so many people are still bitching about it years after almost every manufacturer has removed the port. Every single day its frustrating I don’t have one. Its frustrating when my friends want to play music in my car and they don’t have one.
I got my headphones for Christmas and I LOVE THEM, but I can’t even use them with my phone :(
Well I’ve got a solution for you!
Just insert this adapter into the 3.5mm jack and it will be blocked for you. It’ll no longer be wasted space because this adapter is a useful place to store several grains of rice for a snack.
Unfortunately you do lose a feature as a result of using this adapter, it will stop one of the speakers from working and degrade your audio quality.
But you shouldn’t complain about anything removing a feature, or degrading your audio quality. You’ve got a new feature of being able to store rice!
You can even buy special fairphone sustainable rice from us. With only a small 300% mark up but an incredible 80% of the sustainability of already available rice. It comes in green!
The fuck you talking about.
The complaint is “phones don’t have headphones jacks”
Presuming I was on your side,
Homie, you got rice storage with the old jacks. An adapter doesn’t introduce this problem.
Homie, this is how headphones work. You plug them in and the speakers stop working. If your audio quality is dropping something is wrong.
Homie, again the data jack on USB C is more than fast enough to push FLAC through. If you’re losing quality it’s not the architecture.
This is you projecting. While this is on an article about fair phone, I’m only here to inform you that your nonsense complaint about 3.5 mm jacks is silly. It is valid, sure, but fucking silly anyways.
I’m sorry, I started joking because you weren’t being serious either.
Wait, you were being serious?
How is having more features an inconvenience?
The adapter is still the inconvenience for me, just because the other option is a (tiny) inconvenience for you doesn’t change the fact that the adapter is an inconvenience for me.
Then buy the dozens and dozens of models that are wired. Yall are worse than vegans.
And then they have no port to plug into on their phone.
Then get a usb dongle Jesus fucking christ
This stereotype of Vegans has always bothered me. I’ve never once in my life heard a vegan announce to a group that they were vegan unless it was relevant to the conversation.
I have heard many people complain about vegans completely unprompted, however.
Around 10-15 years ago when that meme/stereotype was popularized , that was kind of the case. The world has moved on since then, the perception of veganism has changed, and it’s not a big deal anymore. Its easier to be vegan now, too. restaurants/grocery stores have more offerings, big brands have vegan options, people aren’t usually rude to you anymore for being vegan or asking for vegan stuff.
I think all this contributes to vegans feeling less of the need to assert themselves like before. I feel like its because people nowadays “get” it and back then most non vegan people didn’t get it.