• @melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
    11 year ago

    epic is one of the critical programs

    Okay but they… It… At least the back end works on Linux? Or did twenty two years ago, since before some of your younger staff were probably born, according to the first result of my single web search? I think the front end does too? You know computers with different operating systems can talk to each other, right? Yeah you should be sure, and that’s why you set up a test computer in a back room somewhere to be absolutely personally sure.

    I understand that its not your decision, I, um, can’t refute that part (I’d like to argue it though? For fun?)

    Maybe the entire regime of ‘ownership’ especially of such an important public utility so many people rely on, like a fucking hospital cannot, in real terms, be privately owned? It is the property of the people, of the community it is in, and as such, and as that it is the year of the Linux desktop, you should be conducting a covert assassination campaign against windows partisans on the IT staff and gradually reclaiming that department for the people while making absolutely no other changes to things like billing or scheduling or policy regarding unhoused patients.

    Then, when the unbelievers are purged, quietly install Linux with cinnamon on people’s computers, until it has finished, and you are victorious. Reap the software licensing fees you would have paid to Microsoft and 5% efficiency gains in one hospital to jump start the revolution from there. Use it to build a concentration camp for landlords, then…

    • @MrShankles@reddthat.com
      01 year ago

      Use it to build a concentration camp for landlords, then…

      Lol, I love the gumption

      I unfortunately don’t work IT in any capacity (it’s a hobby of mine), and have never even seen an IT personnel from work, in person. But I also work nights as a nurse (direct patient care), so it’s not really in my “scope of practice” to have much of a say. But one can still dream

      • @melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
        11 year ago

        Its absolutely in the scope of your practice!

        Nurses make great serial killers, I can only assume they would make equally good political assassins!

        So first you call for tech support, just any bullshit issue, but word it ambiguously so they have to talk to you to figure out what you meant. drop a comment to provoke a response, measure their opinion. Designate them target, nonentity, or potential comrade to recruit to the cause. Keep going until you find either a target you can turn to an asset until its time to dispose of them, or a comrade who might genuinely assist. IT get you the information from personnel records and department meetings. Boom. Linux on the whole system within a year, and you’re skimming license fees to build that concentration camp for landlords.

        • @MrShankles@reddthat.com
          1 year ago

          Again, still love the gumption! Though I feel like there’s probably a few steps you’re brushing over. But even if I could (theoretically) pull all of that off, idk how skimming licensing fees would ever be practical to me, especially without losing my job for a “conflict of interest”.

          I’m a simple man that works slow to create change. I’d start a campaign if anything. Research and talk about viability. But if I’m putting energy into campaigning for anything; I’m campaigning for a union wayyy before I campaign for company-wide linux adoption. Help myself and coworkers first, before pursuing a personal tech-suggestion

          Edit: maybe a psychotic serial-killer nurse would be better suited for that operation. That’s not really me though, I kinda really love what I do; all things considered

          • @melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
            11 year ago

            steps you’re missing

            Nope, the plan is perfect and only a counter-revolutionary would suggest otherwise. straight to the gulag.

            maybe a psychotic serial killer nurse would be better

            Know any?

            conflict of interest

            Well you wouldn’t be stealing it for yourself, and its not like there isn’t already a massive conflict of interest between execs who like money and staff who like treating patients.

            • @MrShankles@reddthat.com
              1 year ago

              steps you’re missing

              steps you’re brushing over, is what I said

              You’re funny though, ngl. Go ahead and do something yourself, of the same nature. Report back with your “accomplishments”, we’re all ears. Best of luck friend

              • @melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                No; your appropriation of the revolution weird-linux-install-murder-plot has convinced me that you are a cop and I must now flee underground.

                • @MrShankles@reddthat.com
                  1 year ago

                  I’ve been had! Welp, the cat’s already outta the bag now, so might as well tell ya the truth; I’m actually a serial-killer-cop… aka, a cop. You can run, but you’ll never be able to hide!

                  Edit: huffing, puffing, wheezing …ok, maybe you can actually just run a bit, no hiding necessary. I’m going on another break; I need to catch my breath