Maybe we could do like a take-a-gun/leave-a-gun kinda thing at the front door to schools to help those who can’t afford one. After the metal detectors of course.
Gun is gun, everybody gets to choose their own flavor (although those who choose small guns will be bullied by those with larger guns, thats just the natural order)
Children should be given guns and sent individually in the same forest on a moonless night. Let them figure out for themselves which course of action maximizes the likelihood of a good outcome and minimizes that of a bad one for them when they hear another kid between hiding, calling out and shooting.
Personally, I’m just saying, I think that every student in a school should have a gun to protect themselves from other students with guns
Maybe we could do like a take-a-gun/leave-a-gun kinda thing at the front door to schools to help those who can’t afford one. After the metal detectors of course.
guns are too soft. they need automatic assault rifles.
Gun is gun, everybody gets to choose their own flavor (although those who choose small guns will be bullied by those with larger guns, thats just the natural order)
That is the perfect argument to counter good guys have guns etc
Children should be given guns and sent individually in the same forest on a moonless night. Let them figure out for themselves which course of action maximizes the likelihood of a good outcome and minimizes that of a bad one for them when they hear another kid between hiding, calling out and shooting.