The early days of downloading were a fun time

        011 months ago

        Nah a lot of people thought her name was Heather Brooke because Heather and a girl named Brooke were in a video and some early internet user named the bootleg video Heather Brooke. Many people, including this reporter, were under the mistaken impression that that was her name. Her actual name is Heather Harmon.

          011 months ago

          Thank you. I knew there was something like that but couldn’t remember the exact names of each person. Also what the hell? Why is this what I care about remembering.

            011 months ago

            I don’t know. I can’t remember what I had for dinner yesterday but I can remember the mousetrap jingle word for word.

            Life’s funny that way.

        011 months ago

        I think this ladies name was wifey or something like that. Amateur wasn’t my thing back then but I recall it being part of the name.